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Ships of EVE

Tech 1 ships (Generic purpose)

There are many different kinds of ships in EVE, which can be confusing at first. Here is an attempt to summarize them. The basic (T1/Tech 1) ships in EVE are:



Frigate: The basic first ship you will fly. They are small, fragile and deal low damage but are fast and difficult to hit with big guns. Don't be mistaken, they can be really fun to fly and remain important to the fleet.


Destroyer: The next ship you can get. Destroyers are big frigates with more guns. They do more damage than most similarly fit frigates, but basically have less utility (usefulness) and are much easier to shoot at. Destroyers also come in less variations than frigates or cruisers.

Basically destroyers are only useful right now for running Level 1 missions or Salvaging. Occasionally used for suicide ganking miners and haulers in highsec, due to decent damage:cost ratio.


Cruisers are medium size, moderate damage, moderate speed. Fit medium weapons. Useful in level 2 missions or in general pvp. Cruisers can typically be fit to kill small ships well (frigate/destroyer hulls) or to fight medium or larger sized ships. You typically want all your support skills to be at least level 3 before using these in order to fly them decently and make them worth your isk. Most skills that apply to cruisers also apply to battlecruisers.


Battlecruisers are incredibly awesome. They also give you something to do while you wait for all the skills needed for next ships to train up. Slightly slower than cruisers, but can fit more guns and can typically take more damage. In general it is a really good idea to be able to fly at least one fully T2 fit BC. Use these for Level 3 missions, too.

A Battlecruiser can be used to do almost anything there is to do combat-wise in EVE. They really are fantastic all-around ships, and it is highly suggested you be able to fly at least one well.


Battleships are the biggest and meanest subcapital ships, but are also the slowest. They can fit large guns which have a lot of trouble hitting frigates. If a lot of frigates start orbiting you very close and you don't have drones/drone skills to kill them, be very afraid. Battleships typically have a lot of fitting slots. Please get your support skills to at least level 4 before using these. Make sure you can fit a T2 tank. These would be suitable for Level 4 missions, if you swing that way. Some commonly used battleships in TEST are the Maelstrom and Nightmare.


Shuttles are simple transport craft, mainly designed to ferry capsuleers to other, more expensive and useful ships quickly. They are of limited utility beyond that.


Corvettes are the starting ships that every player starts with. If a capsuleer ends up docked in a station in a capsule, they will also receive one for free from their friendly insurance company.

Armed with basic weaponry and poor stats, they are useless beyond the start of the game except to act as expendable Cyno ships.

Tech 2 ships (Special purpose)

These ships are usually frigates, cruisers or battleships, have the same model with different texture as the base ship, and require high/specialized skills to fly.







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