Table of Contents

Incursion Encounter Sites


There are five different type of encounters available:

The different systems all have a maximum number of encounter sites available at any given time. When sites are completed their respective beacons will disappear and their point of reference will no longer be interactable or possible to warp to. The site itself will not fully despawn until everyone leaves the grid, including the acceleration gate.

For easy navigation, a navigation box summarising the sites with links to the other pages is placed on each page. It is usually visible at the top of the page on the right; except this page, where it is placed at the very bottom.


There is only one system with scout sites in them, the staging system (the same system linked in the journal for the constellation). There can be up to five scout sites available at any given time, of the following variety:

Payout: 3,500,000 ISK and 400 CONCORD LP (top five contributors)

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There's usually three or four vanguard systems per constellation, depending on the size of the constellation. In some of the larger constellations you can have up to six vanguard systems, but they are exceedingly rare. Each system will have up to seven vanguard sites spawned at once and there are three different kind of vanguard sites:


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There are usually one or two assault systems in a constellation but depending on the size of the constellation it can have as many as three assault systems. Each system can have up to five assault sites spawned at once. The assault sites are as follows:


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Similar to there being only one staging system, there is only one headquarter system. The system can have up to five headquarter sites spawned at once, not counting the mothership site. The headquarter sites are as follows:


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There is only one mothership site per constellation and it will appear in the headquarters system once the constellation influence reaches 0% and a single headquarter site has been run. Finishing this site will end the incursion and the pool of Loyalty Points will be paid out to everyone who ran sites in the constellation, whether they are online or not.



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