You may be forced to sing on Mumble, pay a large fine, or (if you are particularly a dick about it) find yourself a new alliance.
Don't be a dick.
Shooting or performing a hostile action against alliance members (or allies) without their consent or the permission of one of their corp directors (or a TEST Diplomat/High Command member)
Disobeying a direct FC order while in their fleet (this will likely get you killed immediately)
Excessively poor ratting etiquette/generally being a dick about PVE - breaking chains, hogging systems, etc (the typical punishment for PVE drama is a Trial by Ordeal to be determined by your corp leadership, or an alliance diplomat/shortbus member)
Warping to fleet members unless told to - If you warp to 0 on a cloaked ship, he de-cloaks, likely getting both of you killed (this will likely get you killed immediately)
Giving away any tactical location or other fleet information anywhere besides fleet chat
Harassing or otherwise preventing a director from doing their directorial duties
Cluttering up intel channels with non-intel (this will get you muted or banned from the relevant intel channel)
Excessively being a dick about fleet loot (always listen to your FC or your corp/alliance leadership, unless told otherwise loot is typically free-for-all)
Sharing “root” passwords by any non-encrypted means or unsafe means. If possible, always do SSH Key authentication, if its not possible then please exchange passwords via a private chat via Jabber or another encrypted chat system. Leaking passwords/etc by negligence will get you in serious trouble.
Unauthorized data scraping or harvesting from TEST IT Services
Not following common-sense hangar security practices
Excessively trolling/griefing/spamming in Mumble, Jabber, Discord, on the forums, or through corp/alliance evemail
Posting anything on alliance services that violates German law
The majority of our services are hosted in Germany, so we specifically have to cater to German laws on what we host, this most often comes up in the form of Nazi Iconography. TL/DR: Don't post swastikas on discord/forums for memes
Scamming on reddit
No Dreddit pilots are in any way allowed to be involved with recruitment scamming.