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Test has many IT services that it offers to it's members for various reasons, from coordinating fleets on Mumble, to sending notifications of those same fleets on Jabber, to shitposting about everything on the Forums.

Available Services

Name URL Description
Auth Link The central and most important piece of all public IT infrastructure.
Discord Link Communication system for TEST.
Forums Link Shitpost here.
Git Link Central git repository host for TEST projects.
Intel Map Link Shows intel reports on a dotlan-like map.
Jabber N/A Central communication system for TEST.
Jenkins Link Build system for projects in the TEST Infrastructure.
Jibber Link ACL Manager for Jabber channels.
Minder Link ACL Manager for Mumble channels.
Mumble N/A Central voice communication system for TEST.
Pastebin Link An encrypted expiring pastebin.
Radio Link Radio streaming for internet spaceships.
TV Link TV streaming for internet spaceships.
Skill Checker Link Tool to view your skills, and what you need to train for various doctrines/useful things.
Timer Board Link Centralized location to track upcoming timers for POS', IHUB's, etc.
Wiki Link You're on it.
Freight Link Tool to track alliance freight contracts.
it/start.1508713855.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/10/22 23:10 by NatashaKutuzova