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Can refer to a variety of ships, but typically refers to the Tech 1 industrial ships. They are slow and relatively defenseless, but have large cargo holds, which make them ideal for transporting loot/minerals around.

Tech 1

Tech 1 industrials have a decent amount of cargohold but are prone to ganking since they are slow and relatively defenseless. Flying these in low/null sec makes one a priority target; suicide ganking is also common in highsec aimed at pilots carrying expensive loot within their cargoholds.

Type Amarr Caldari Gallente Minmatar ORE
Cargo (Speed) Bestower Tayra Iteron Mark V Mammoth -
Cargo (Inertia) Sigil Badger Nereus Wreathe -
Planetary Interation - - Epithal - -
Minerals - - Kryos - -

res | - | - | Miasmos | - | - |

Ammo - - - Hoarder -
Salvage - - - - Noctis

Tech 2

Type Amarr Caldari Gallente Minmatar
Deep Space Transports Impel Bustard Occator Mastodon
Blockade Runners Prorator Crane Viator Prowler
eve/ships/industrials.1455211475.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/02/11 17:24 by cubefury