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What is Jabber?

Jabber (or XMPP) is an open-source instant-messaging platform built on wads and wads of XML. Currently it's used as the backend for Google Talk and Facebook Chat.

Jabber allows for instant messaging, file transfer, multiuser chatrooms (like IRC), voice chat (Google Talk/Jingle), and transport gateways that allow access to other networks and services. As Jabber is an open XML-based protocol it allows for even more varied use, such as shared whiteboarding and other funky tools. O'Reilly did a good piece on what you can do with Jabber/XMPP.

Why Use Jabber?

As part of the fast moving nature in EVE, things can happen in minutes, Jabber allows us to do easy out-of-game fleet broadcasts and is key in informing our membership when something important is going down, even if they are out of game. In addition it is our primary out of game chat room and is one of the easiest ways to get a hold of people outside of EVE. Most significantly, when you send someone a personal message or type their name in a chat channel, it pings them with a sound. This is useful for getting the attention of older players who spend a lot of time at their computers not playing EVE. We also have the deedeereddit channel set up on jabber where newbies can go and have all of your amazing questions answered.

As stated above, Jabber allows for more interesting applications than IRC, add in the instant messaging and global announcements and we've got a tool that will really help us. Being on Jabber is very important as it is a convenient way to stay in the loop with what is going on in game even while not playing. Many players use jabber as a supplement to, thus decreasing their productivity to an even higher degree.

Setting Up Jabber

Add the Jabber Service on Test Auth

To get a Jabber account:

  1. Log in to your Auth account.
  2. Chose Add Service.
  3. Select Jabber from the list.
  4. Enter the password you want to use to log in.
  5. Click Create Account.

Once done you will see your full Jabber ID (JID) in the Service Accounts list. Now you can use it to setup your client.

Help! Jabber is greyed out and I can't add it!

Auth probably hasn't read your API key yet, or assigned the correct permissions. To fix this you may need to refresh your API Key.

Setting up your jabber Client

Depending on which jabber client you are using you will have a different setup process but the general information you need to enter is as follows:

For Test members:

Username <your auth username>
Password Jabber password you set up earlier

For other allies:

Username <your auth username>
Password Jabber password you set up earlier

You may receive a warning about an invalid or self-signed certificate when connecting to the Jabber server . It is usually OK to accept this and set your client to remember your choice, but just to be certain, the proper fingerprint is the following:

Common Name *
Fingerprint (SHA1) 2D:A5:9C:59:73:0F:47:93:E8:9E:30:93:3F:90:36:E0:9C:2E:8E:3C
Activation Date Sat Oct 25 16:59:47 2014
Expiration Date Mon Dec 26 15:05:15 2016

Video Tutorial

Jabber Clients

Numerous Jabber clients are available for lots of platforms.

Pidgin and Adium are the most popular jabber platform used in TEST but you are free to pick whichever one works best for you.

Client specific Setup Instructions

Using Jabber

Joining the Alliance Channels

Jabber supports multi-user chat rooms which are called 'conferences', Test uses these chatrooms to communicate more than they use in-game chat channels, so setting them up is important.

There is no point in listing them all here, but here are some to get you started:

Conference Description
[email protected] General Alliance discussion
[email protected] Newbie help channel
[email protected] Dreddit corporate discussion channel

Newbies: The first channel you should join is Deedeereddit. If you manage to get into the Deedeereddit chat, that's a great place to get any information you need about setting up any other part of jabber or other Test services. This channel functions the same as the in-game channel of the same name, and the same rules apply to both.

If you are not in Dreddit, your corporation will probably have its own chat channel on jabber too.

Want to find someone specific to talk to? Don't see them in general chat? Maybe you should just add them to your roster and send them a direct message.

How do I get broadcasts?

While you are connected to TEST Jabber you will receive broadcasts relevant to you.

The standard TESTie will get broadcasts for fleets and random things. You will probably get broadcasts in Pidgin in two seperate tabs in the conversation window, to combine them into one tab see. Grouping Broadcasts

If you are interested in getting broadcasts while on the go, check out the official Test Android App, or other mobile clients here.

Emote Packs

:effort: This section needs to be fixed, or taken outside and shot.

Emote packs let you use things like :sun: on Jabber like you can here: :sun:

Multi-client releases

Up-to-date versions of Berachs Emote Pack are available here for multiple clients. Currently supported clients:

  • Pidgin
  • Psi
  • InstantBird
  • Adium
  • Vacuum

Contact Kline Eto if you have a client you'd like a pack for.


  1. Pick and download the emote pack that best suits your needs, the complete pack is recommended.
  2. Extract to '%appdata%\.purple\smileys' or if that does not work 'C:\Users\<Your user name>\AppData\Roaming\.purple\smileys' or the equivalent for your operating system. AppData may be hidden, enable it under your folder options in Control Panel.
  3. Enable the pack by going to Tools → Preferences (NOT CUSTOM SMILEYS) → Themes → Smiley Theme and selecting the pack you have chosen.

If Pidgin does not animate GIFs at the proper speed, you need to update the GTK that is installed within Pidgin.

Download this version of GTK, then extract the contents on top of the GTK installed in your Pidgin install directory (default location is %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Pidgin\gtk or %ProgramFiles%\Pidgin\gtk). You must extract over the current GTK because if you remove and replace GTK, you will be missing some key DLL files that are required for Pidgin to function.




Up-to-date Psi pack, built from Berach's


  1. Download one (or both) of the packs above.
  2. Extract the folder(s) into C:\Program Files (x86)\Psi\iconsets\emoticons or the equivalent depending on your OS/installation. On a Mac you will have to find (usually in your Applications folder), right click on it and select Show Package Content. Go to \Contents\Resources\iconsets\emoticons and extract the folder(s) there.
  3. Start Psi
  4. You can check what packs are installed in Psi by going to: General → Options → Appearance → Emoticons. On a Mac, go to Psi > Preferences > Appearance > Emoticons and check that the emoticons packs you installed are checked.

How to disable Join/Part messages in Psi

  1. Open the PSI Preferences
  2. Go to “Advanced”, at the bottom.
  3. Expand “muc”.
  4. Switch “show-joins” to “false”.

Also, since having 10 chat windows open is so 1998. The “Chat” section has a “Use tabbed mode” option..

Miranda IM

Download the SAGF emoticon pack for Miranda IM (up to date as of Summer 2012) and extract it in “miranda-im\smileys\” folder. Then select smileys in Customize→Smileys.

Note that you should have the SmileyAdd plugin installed

This pack is based on the smiley pack for the Pidgin.



Installation Instructions

  1. Extract the Emoticon pack .zip file to your <Trillian>\stixe\plugins folder (Usually C:\Program Files\Trillian\stixe\plugins)
  2. To Select an Emoticon Pack go to Trillian Preferences - Skins. Choose it from the Emoticons Section

Known Issues and Workarounds

Hamachi conflict

Hamachi's IPv4 network currently uses network which is the same range as the new jabber server.


  • Delete Hamachi.
  • Disable IPv4. Go to settings → advanced → Peer Connections → IP protocol mode → IPv6 only
  • Add a static route. With being the Jabber server and your router's IP address
    • Linux, ifconfig (old): “route add”
    • Linux, iproute2 (new): “ip -4 route add via dev eth0” (or eth1 or eth2…)
    • Windows: “route add mask”

Not authorized

Refresh your API Key in Auth. Also reset your jabber service on your Auth profile page.

Can't connect

Set the connect server to For Pidgin that's account settings → advanced tab → connect server. If you still can't connect please contact your ISP.

it/jabber.1428505067.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/04/21 20:13 (external edit)