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Perimeter Trade Wars
Date 2018-10-13 to 2019-05-01
LocationPerimeter, The Forge
Result TEST clears out Pandemic Hordes presence in Perimeter, anchors Keepstar, makes deal with Pandemic Horde for peace.
TEST Alliance Please Ignore, The Imperium, Legacy CoalitionPandemic Horde, Pandemic Legion, Northern Coalition.
vily, progodlegend, otherssteadyo, alphastarpilot, others

Perimeter Trade Wars

As a part of the Oijanen deployment by TEST, a offensive was launched on Pandemic Hordes holdings in highsec, especially the offshore trading citadels in Perimeter. They soon died after little defence by its owners.

TEST followed this by anchoring the first Keepstar class citadel in high security space in the history of New Eden. This soon became the defacto trade citadel for things like PLEX and skill injectors.

Pandemic Horde and its allies, including the now deposed highsec trader IChooseYou, began a campaign of attrition where they would anchor trade azbels and run those with zero tax rate to undercut the Keepstar. Due to highsec and its war declaration mechanics, catching anchoring azbels were a difficult task and most would be forced to shoot all three citadel timers. Perimeter Police Fleet did a lot of the grunt work, a specialized SIG created for the Perimeter structure grinding, and a lot (and I mean a LOT) of hostile trade azbels died as a result.

For most of the conflict, it was a gruelling stand still where Horde would reinforce something and then get beaten back at the armor timer and their azbels would die by the dozen. The most notable exception to this were when a T2 rigged TEST Tatara died mainly due to highsec mechanics shenanigans.

After a few months of back and forth, TEST sat down and made a deal with Horde where they would get a piece of the profits and in return they would leave TEST alone in Perimeter. The Imperium were also cut in on a piece of the action. The deal had no binding agreements outside of highsec.

culture/history/battles/perimeter_trade_wars.1576610142.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/17 19:15 by Theoriginalamam