Fleet Terminology
WTF did he just say?
So you've completed the tutorial and have come out to join your fellow Bortlings, great! When you join up with a fleet and start listening in Mumble a lot of the terms may not make any sense. Between this page, the DeeDeeReddit channel and just asking in Mumble at a appropriate time you should be able to catch on pretty quick.
FC / Fleet Commander
What is Local like / Local Check / Local Count
X up
This is used for several functions, depending on the state of the fleet. While flying with the fleet, the FC may ask questions and ask you to “x up” for certain things, such as “x up if you're a tackler”, “x up with what you're flying”. This means that you type an “x” in fleet chat, if applicable, followed by an answer (x - Maelstrom
), if applicable. X'ing can also be used to express interest in joining a fleet, although this is much less common since the introduction of the Fleet Finder.
Put W's in fleet / Give W's / Warp to W's in fleet
Anchors / Primary, Secondary, Logi
Anchors (mostly FC's and Logi FC's) are the people that control the fleet during combat. Before any op ask for the Anchors in fleet or read the MOTD (Message of the Day) on top of your Fleet chat. When landing on the combat grid either 'approach', 'keep at range' or 'orbit' your Anchor. Protip: to be able to quickly 'Anchor up' add your Anchors to your watchlist.
Bug out / Scatter / Get out / Clear grid
Get the fuck out now. Don't care where you go but don't be here. Destination is not important or, “You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here.” or “FUCK! IT'S THE COPS! RUN!” Remember to not warp to moons, where there is probably a deathstar POS waiting to kill you.
Point is a general term for targeting an enemy ship and activating a
Warp Scramblers(2 pts) or
Warp Disruptors(1pt) module on it. This will prevent the enemy ship from warping out and will most likely secure your fleet a kill.
Usage (1): “They're bugging out, get points on anything you can!”
Usage (2): “Point, Cheburek in a Tempest.”
Stasis Webifier and its variants. If an enemy ship is caught near a gate or within a bubble the FC will call for webs to prevent it from escaping by either burning out of the bubble or back to the gate, etc. Always make sure your target has a point on them
you web them. Webbing an unpointed ship that is trying to warp out will make it warp sooner.
Combat/logi anchor is XXX
Fleet Roles
+1 or -1
This refers to a scout(s) that is either ahead of or behind the fleet. EX. “Do we have a scout at +2?” This means someone is asking if there is a scout that is two systems ahead of the fleet, if you hear a -1 or -2, it's just the opposite.
Electronic Warfare (ECM)
Ships such as
Blackbirds and
Scorpions are equipped with powerful modules which can prevent any enemy ship from targeting for a brief period. ECM is considered a force multiplier as one such ship can render multiple enemy ships powerless. There exist other forms of ECM such as Tracking Disruption and Sensor Dampening that impart various debuffs on enemy ships.
Scouts are employed to gather intelligence about enemy movements and numbers, provide early warning, and/or position the fleet advantageously on the battlefield. Scouts are usually fast frigates and/or destroyers that can reliably stay ahead of the fleet and quickly escape an unfavorable situation. Interceptors are extremely effective for the scout role due to their immunity to warp disruption bubbles.
Ships fitted with long range weaponry and targeting systems are referred to as Snipers and make up the bulk of the fleet in a large engagement. The most common type of sniping ships are
battleships and
battlecruisers. Effective range for battleships is 150-200km and ⇐100km for battlecruisers.
Tackler/Fast tackle
Any ship designed to rapidly close distances and warp scramble enemy ships. This role is crucial for allowing slower ships with more firepower to get in range and do some damage. Tacklers may also carry Stasis Webifiers to slow enemy ships. Ideal ships for fulfilling the scout role include fleet interceptors with a bonus to warp disruption module range, and interdictors that can tackle entire fleets with strategically placed warp disruption bubbles.
Align to X
Burn towards X
Gate crash
After jumping through into a system, the FC decides that returning to the previous system is a good idea (might be extremely outnumbered/attempting to bait their fleet) and have been informed to gate crash.
Wait until the order, this is usually done just before you lose your session timer, as soon as the order is given, turn your propulsion module on (afterburner or micro warp drive) and approach the gate and mash jump.
You should also turn your hardeners and damage controls on while doing this (probably overheat if you are being targeted).
If you are in a SilentMajority fleet and you are told to gate crash, expect to die in a fire.
Gate is Green
Gate is Red
The specifics are debatable, but just don't fucking use the gate. Examples: “Don't, for the love of god, jump through that gate,” or it could mean “There's a titan sized blob of frigates on the other side.”
The FC could be operating a surprise attack on the target, if you jump through - you could ruin the surprise - DO NOT JUMP THROUGH IF THE GATE IS RED.
Jump and Hold Cloak
Jump through the current gate, and then DO NOT MOVE. Do not align, do not warp, do nothing until the FC says otherwise.
Take Fleet Warp
The FC will initiate a warp, and your ship will automatically attempt to enter the warp. When you are told to “take” fleet warp, this means you do not stop the ship, and allow your ship to warp. If the FC says “cancel fleet warp” or “don't take warp”, etc., then you should quickly press ctrl+space to stop your ship and not warp. If you are pre-aligned to the destination you and everyone else that was aligned will warp in the same warp tunnel,and arrive at the same time.
Warp to X @ Y