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Shield Tanking


Shield Tanking is the most common defensive method used by Caldari and Minmatar pilots, as well as some Gallente, and even a few Amarr capsuleers. Understanding how your shields absorb damage and how they regenerate can be essential for your survival in EVE.


  • Shields heal themselves over time at a natural recharge rate. Armor and Hull damage taken is going to sit there until it is repaired.
  • After shields are exhausted there is still some armor and hull remaining, leaving a little more room for error.
  • Active shield boosters repair faster than active armor repairers, meaning you can effectively tank more incoming DPS
  • Shield tank modules & rigs don't affect your speed or maneuverability, thus keeping you fast and agile.
  • Low slots are left free for damage modules, etc.


  • There's a smaller range of different modules to choose from when shield tanking than when armor tanking, giving you less choice in how to fit your ship.
  • Although shield boosters repair faster than armor repairers, they are also less Capacitor efficient.
  • Shield tank modules & rigs can increase your Signature Radius, that attribute of every ship that affects how fast other people target you, and how easy it is to hit you with turrets & missiles.
  • Passive resistance modules are less effective than the armor equivalents, and there is no single passive resistance module that boosts all shield resistances at once.
  • Shield tanking modules are almost exclusively fit in mid slots, competing with tackling, EWAR, and propulsion modules.
training/game_mechanics/shield_tanking.1487109821.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/14 22:03 by conscript