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Feast your eyes on the best sub-capital drone carrier in the universe. The Dominix is one sturdy old boot, able to bring a huge tank and a lot of pain to the battlefield. The drone bay is so big that you need a map to actually find those Hammerheads, 7 low slots mean you can stick around while your little ones eat the souls of your enemies, and there's a Starbucks with a cigar lounge in deck 17.

As for fitting, the traditional approach is to fill the lows with a huge armor tank, mids get the holy trinity of mwd/point/web plus sensor boosters and/or cap boosters, and neut/nos/rr in the highs.

Alternatively, you could build a Blaster Domi, but that would confuse a lot of people and make them question their concept of truth and reality while you tear 'em apart.

On a sidenote, unless you are insanely rich and got money to blow on a Kronos, the Dominix is the Gallente PvE battleship of choice.

PVE Fittings

NOS SQUAD'S "how do I fit my domi for level fives" domi


Damage Control II 1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II Reactive Armor Hardener Armor Explosive Hardener II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II

Omnidirectional Tracking Link II Omnidirectional Tracking Link II Omnidirectional Tracking Link II Prototype 100MN Microwarpdrive I WILDCARD

Large 'Regard' Power Projector Large 'Regard' Power Projector Large 'Solace' Remote Bulwark Reconstruction Large 'Solace' Remote Bulwark Reconstruction Drone Link Augmentor I Drone Link Augmentor I

Large Trimark Armor Pump I Large Egress Port Maximizer I Large Egress Port Maximizer I

Garde II x5 Bouncer II x5 Warrior II x5 Valkyrie II x5 </EFT>

Notes: T1 drones are fine too! Have extra hardeners (1 of each for your wildcard tank slot. Bring all types of drones, but you should at LEAST have 1 flight of lights (warrior 2's or hobgoblins) and one flight of mediums (Valkyries or Hammerheads). Try to bring 1 flight of each type of sentry drones, we change them out depending on the mission. Most important are Gardes, Curators and Bouncers. We mostly use Bouncers and Gardes but Curators happen from time to time. Wildcard mid can be a target painter (for triggering) a remote sebo (if you have a dedicated trigger ship) or another Omni. Can also be a cap recharger. When in doubt, Range and Tracking are always good.

Zeroxysm's PVE Dominix

<EFT> [Dominix, PVE] Large Armor Repairer II Large Armor Repairer II Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II Armor Kinetic Hardener II Armor Kinetic Hardener II Armor Thermic Hardener II Capacitor Power Relay II

100MN Afterburner II Cap Recharger II Cap Recharger II Cap Recharger II Cap Recharger II

Improved Cloaking Device II Drone Link Augmentor Small Tractor Beam Heavy Energy Neutralizer II Heavy Energy Neutralizer II Large Rudimentary Concussion Bomb I

Large Capacitor Control Circuit I Large Capacitor Control Circuit I Large Capacitor Control Circuit I

Warden II x5 Wasp II x5 Hornet II x5 </EFT>

'Notes' *Swap out the Hardeners to suit whatever damage resistance you need

LVL 4 Domi

<EFT> [Dominix, Mission Domi] Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Damage Control II Armor EM Hardener II Large Armor Repairer II Armor Thermic Hardener II

Omnidirectional Tracking Link II Omnidirectional Tracking Link II Cap Recharger II Cap Recharger II Target Painter II

350mm Railgun II, Thorium Charge L 350mm Railgun II, Thorium Charge L 350mm Railgun II, Thorium Charge L 350mm Railgun II, Thorium Charge L 350mm Railgun II, Thorium Charge L 350mm Railgun II, Thorium Charge L

Large Drone Control Range Augmentor I Large Drone Control Range Augmentor I Large Capacitor Control Circuit I

Garde II x5 Curator II x5 Vespa EC-600 x5 Hobgoblin II x5 Hammerhead II x5 </EFT>

You´ll need a shit load of drones but you get some fine 900 dps from your green beauty.

Kewagi's Immortal Warshoe

<EFT> [Dominix, Kewagi's Immortal Warshoe] Large Armor Repairer II Large Armor Repairer II Armor Kinetic Hardener II Armor Kinetic Hardener II Armor Kinetic Hardener II Armor Kinetic Hardener II Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II

100mn Afterburner I Cap Recharger II Cap Recharger II Cap Recharger II Cap Recharger II

425mm Railgun I Drone Link Augmentor I Salvager I Salvager I Small Tractor Beam I Small Tractor Beam I

Large Capacitor Control Circuit I Large Capacitor Control Circuit I Large Auxiliary Nano Pump I

Ogre II x5 Garde II x5 Hammerhead II x5 Hobgoblin II x5 </EFT>

Not the cheapest fit, but with decent skills, this beast is unstoppable in L4 missions and most plexes. If you go for the afterburner, you can't permarun both reppers, but there are few situations where you actually need that. For plexing, I recommend switching the railgun and one salvager for large smart bombs to take out those pesky point frigs. Pick hardeners according to who you're up against.

  • Side note, as long as you have the T2 tank, you can use T1 drones perfectly fine, it will just take you longer to kill them while you train up for the T2 drones. AevumDecessus 16:56, 24 March 2010 (UTC)

*Personally I find that a Damage Control II provides much more survivability than an EANM. Eschatos

DurrHurrDurr's Dual Rep is for Fags Fit

<EFT> [Dominix, Dual Rep Is For Fags] Armor Kinetic Hardener II Armor Kinetic Hardener II Armor Thermic Hardener II Armor Thermic Hardener II Armor Thermic Hardener II Damage Control II Large Armor Repairer II

Cap Recharger II Cap Recharger II Cap Recharger II Omnidirectional Tracking Link I Omnidirectional Tracking Link I

Drone Link Augmentor I Drone Link Augmentor I [empty high slot] [empty high slot] [empty high slot] [empty high slot]

Large Sentry Damage Augmentor I Large Capacitor Control Circuit I Large Capacitor Control Circuit I

Garde II x5 Warden II x5 Hammerhead II x5 Hobgoblin II x5 </EFT>

Will tank everything except the chemical factory haven and station sanctum, and only if you're an idiot and trigger a specific spawn way too early. Using this fit, warp into the anomaly at 50km, drop wardens and alpha all of the frigates as they approach you, then eat up the cruisers. Casually get up and leave your computer to fuck your dog or beat your mother while the sentries AFK all the battleships. Tanks just as well as the dualrep fit with my skills. Last four highslots are wildcards, fit artillery if you're a ridiculous min/maxing krab or tractor beams/salvagers. For Guristas, trade out a thermic hardener for a kinetic hardener.

Dodeca's and StuffStuff's Dual Domi featuring 4 Drone Damage Amplifiers

This setup requires at least two (2) Dominixes to work but it can be expanded to any number by effectively managing the remote transfers. Each ship adds 800 DPS with good skills. <EFT> [Dominix, Remote Rep Damage Amp ANYTHING EDITION] Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II Reactive Armor Hardener Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II

Omnidirectional Tracking Link II Omnidirectional Tracking Link II Omnidirectional Tracking Link II Omnidirectional Tracking Link II WILDCARD

Large Energy Transfer Array II Large Energy Transfer Array II Large Energy Transfer Array II Drone Link Augmentor II Large Remote Armor Repair System II Large Remote Armor Repair System II

Large Anti-Explosive Pump I Large Egress Port Maximizer I Large Egress Port Maximizer I

Hammerhead II x5 Garde II x5 Hornet EC-300 x5 Hobgoblin II x5 Warrior II x5 Garde II x5 </EFT>

This new updated fit for Odyssey should have a 688 dps tank versus Blood Raiders and do 800 dps per domi with max skills. The triggering ship should have a Target Painter fit with drones set to aggressive and the slave ships fit remote sensor boosters with both scripts available. Have drones from the slave ships set to defensive and assigned to the trigger.

With this new update to battleships you don't need nearly as good fitting skills to fit this. For Serpentis: warp at 70km, your gardes should be able to hit out to 77km, but sensor damps will likely make it so you can't lock that far away. You can try switching the remote sebo to range script if this is really a problem.

For Blood Raiders: warp at 65-75km, your gardes will murder the hell out of them since you're outside of even Blood Pope range and entirely out of neut range. If you have like 5 of these for whatever reason the 4th rsebo doesn't really help that much if they are all scripted for scan resolution so you might want to put a point or something else strange like that on instead.

NOTE: Don't try it against Guristas unless you enjoy being easily murdered by NPCs. DPS: 800 per ship One final thing: Garde Optimal: 76km Garde Tracking: 0.0922 HOLY CRAP THAT'S SILLY EVEN AFTER THEY NERFED IT IN ODYSSEY 1.1

Tuanicle's Sansha Sniper

<EFT> [Dominix, Ratting Sniper] Drone Damage Amplifier II Armor EM Hardener II Large 'Accommodation' Vestment Reconstructer I Armor Thermic Hardener II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Reactive Armor Hardener

Target Painter I Omnidirectional Tracking Link II, Tracking Speed Script Cap Recharger II Large Micro Jump Drive Cap Recharger II

Drone Link Augmentor I Drone Link Augmentor I Large 'Solace' Remote Armor Repairer Large YF-12a Smartbomb Civilian Light Electron Blaster, Civilian Blaster Charge Drone Link Augmentor I

Large Capacitor Control Circuit I Large Auxiliary Nano Pump I Large Capacitor Control Circuit I

Warden I x5 Imperial Navy Praetor x5 Imperial Navy Curator x5 </EFT>

This fit is designed to be a cap stable active armor tank for taking on everything up to Sansha forlorn hubs. Forsaken hubs are reccommended as they are easier and can be run more efficiently.

For normal ratting, warp to 50km, drop Curators, turn on the tracking link, hardeners, armor repper. Pre lock as many targets as you can, target paint whichever one you are firing at. Frigs need to be killed first, as you will not be able to hit them with sentries within 25km or so. It does not matter if you go for battleships or cruisers next, just be mindful of the triggers.

The ship also includes a civilian gun, this is used to order assigned drones to attack. That allows this domi fit to be used as the center of a ratting team. If ratting with a partner, the remote repper can be used to double thier tank. If you shut off your local rep, you can support your partner for about 5 minutes before running out. This should only be a last ditch effort, this ship is not designed for spider tanking.

For protection, your fist line of defense is watching local. If nuets come in, dock up. The fit is expensive. The second line is watching d-scan, if something abnormal pops up, you hit the MJD and dock up. Stay pointed towards the station at all times, the MJD will put you 100km in whatever direction you are facing, while accelerating you up to warp speed. If somebody still gets on you, the smartbomb can be used to destroy bubbles, while either heavy drones or ECM drones (swap out wardens for wasp EC-900s) can be launched for protection, either fighting off the enemy or buying you time to warp. Most enemies do not have enough DPS to kill you, so in many situations, DPS mitigation is critical. It might be wise to kill BS rats before moving onto the pesky 'ceptor, as they rely on DPS pressure from the rats to kill you. Just remember, they often have friends as well.

PVP Fittings

Zax's Bang For Buck Battleships - 1k DPS

<EFT> [Dominix, Zax's Bang for Buck] Large 'Solace' I Remote Bulwark Reconstruction Magnetic Field Stabilizer II Magnetic Field Stabilizer II Reactor Control Unit II Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II 1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I 1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I Damage Control II

100MN Microwarpdrive I Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Cap Booster 800 ECCM - Magnetometric II Sensor Booster II Warp Disruptor II

Ion Blaster Cannon II, Dread Guristas Antimatter Charge L Ion Blaster Cannon II, Dread Guristas Antimatter Charge L Ion Blaster Cannon II, Dread Guristas Antimatter Charge L Ion Blaster Cannon II, Dread Guristas Antimatter Charge L Ion Blaster Cannon II, Dread Guristas Antimatter Charge L

Large Anti-Explosive Pump I Large Trimark Armor Pump I Large Trimark Armor Pump I

Garde II x5 </EFT>

Hull Tanked Bait Domi

<EFT> [Dominix, Hull tanked bait] Reinforced Bulkheads II Reinforced Bulkheads II Reinforced Bulkheads II Reinforced Bulkheads II Reinforced Bulkheads II Reinforced Bulkheads II Damage Control II

Warp Disruptor II Warp Scrambler II Prototype 100MN Microwarpdrive I Stasis Webifier II Stasis Webifier II

Heavy Diminishing Power System Drain I Heavy Diminishing Power System Drain I Heavy Unstable Power Fluctuator I Heavy Unstable Power Fluctuator I Heavy Unstable Power Fluctuator I Cynosural Field Generator I

[empty rig slot] [empty rig slot] [empty rig slot] </EFT>

This needs a (really cheap) 1% PG implant. If you really don't want to buy that, you can downgrade one of the heavy neutralizers for a medium one instead. Make sure you grab some drones; sentries if you have decent sentry skills. Throw some rigs on there if you want to splurge.

Dominix T2 EMP Fit

Necessary Skills
  • Gallente Battleship IV

<EFT> [Dominix, EMP Domi ] Damage Control II 1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II 1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II Armor Explosive Hardener II Armor Thermic Hardener II Armor Kinetic Hardener II Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II

Prototype 100MN Microwarpdrive I Medium Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 800 Remote Sensor Booster II, Targeting Range Script Omnidirectional Tracking Link II Omnidirectional Tracking Link II

Drone Link Augmentor II Drone Link Augmentor II Drone Link Augmentor II Drone Link Augmentor II Large YF-12a Smartbomb Heavy Unstable Power Fluctuator I

Large Trimark Armor Pump I Large Trimark Armor Pump I Large Trimark Armor Pump I

Curator II x5 Garde II x5 Bouncer II x5 </EFT>

Alternate Fittings
  • The MWD can be swapped to a MJD at the FC's discretion. Please keep one in your hangar.
  • The Remote Sensor Booster is a wildcard slot, and can be swapped for a Remote ECCM, third Omnidirectional at the FC's discretion. Again, please keep these in your hangar ready to go.
  • The Smartbomb Damage type is a wildcard, please fit any appropriate meta smartbomb.

Dominix T1 EMP Fit

Necessary Skills
  • Gallente Battleship IV

<EFT> [Dominix, EMP Domi T1] Damage Control II 1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II 1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II Armor Explosive Hardener II Armor Thermic Hardener II Armor Kinetic Hardener II Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II

Prototype 100MN Microwarpdrive I Medium Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 800 Remote Sensor Booster II, Targeting Range Script Omnidirectional Tracking Link I Omnidirectional Tracking Link I

Drone Link Augmentor I Drone Link Augmentor I Drone Link Augmentor I Drone Link Augmentor I Large YF-12a Smartbomb Heavy Unstable Power Fluctuator I

Large Trimark Armor Pump I Large Trimark Armor Pump I Large Trimark Armor Pump I

Curator I x5 Garde I x5 Bouncer I x5 </EFT>

Alternate Fittings
  • The MWD can be swapped to a MJD at the FC's discretion. Please keep one in your hangar.
  • The Remote Sensor Booster is a wildcard slot, and can be swapped for a Remote ECCM, third Omnidirectional at the FC's discretion. Again, please keep these in your hangar ready to go.
  • The Smartbomb Damage type is a wildcard, please fit any appropriate meta smartbomb.
  • Update to T2 modules as your skills allow.
eve/ships/battleships/dominix.1530387918.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/30 19:45 by Cornak