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eve:drones:light_scout_drones [2016/02/24 10:14]
cubefury created
eve:drones:light_scout_drones [2017/02/11 20:08] (current)
conscript [Light Scout Drones]
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 **Light Scout Drones** are the smallest and fastest of the drone types. These will be the first drones you use in your eve career, and will continue on being effective in mission running and PVP with their Tech 2 variants. ​ **Light Scout Drones** are the smallest and fastest of the drone types. These will be the first drones you use in your eve career, and will continue on being effective in mission running and PVP with their Tech 2 variants. ​
-Each light scout drone occupies ​5m3 of volume, letting you carry as many as 5 in most Battlecruisers,​ and some Cruisers.+Each light scout drone occupies ​5m³ of volume, letting you carry as many as 5 in most Battlecruisers,​ and some Cruisers.
-For more details on drones and how to use them, refer to [[eve:​drones|Drones]].+^  Name  ^  Damage Type  ^  DPS  ^  Max Speed(m/​s) ​ ^  Tracking(rad/​s) ​ ^  Volume(m³) ​ ^  Req Skills ​ ^ 
 +^  Warrior I  |  Explosive ​ |  4.875  |  4200  |  2.7  |  5  |  Light Drone Operation I  | 
 +^  Acolyte I  |  EM  |  4.3215 ​ |  3800  |  2.47  |  :::  |  :::  | 
 +^  Hornet I  |  Kinetic ​ |  5.4375 ​ |  3200  |  2.1  |  :::  |  :::  | 
 +^  Hobgoblin I  |  Thermal ​ |  6  |  2800  |  1.815  |  :::  |  :::  | 
 +^  Warrior II  |  Explosive ​ |  5.85  |  5040  |  3.24  |  :::  |  Light Drone Operation V, Racial Specialization I  | 
 +^  Acolyte II  |  EM  |  5.175  |  4560  |  2.964  |  :::  |  :::  | 
 +^  Hornet II  |  Kinetic ​ |  6.525  |  3840  |  2.52  |  :::  |  :::  | 
 +^  Hobgoblin II  |  Thermal ​ |  3360  |  2.178  |  2.178  |  :::  |  :::  | 
 +^  Republic Fleet Warrior ​ |  Explosive ​ |  7.75  |  5040  |  3.564  |  :::  |  Light Drone Operation I  | 
 +^  Imperial Navy Acolyte ​ |  EM  |  8.5  |  4620  |  3.2868 ​ |  :::  |  :::  | 
 +^  Caldari Navy Hornet ​ |  Kinetic ​ |  9  |  3780  |  2.6928 ​ |  :::  |  :::  | 
 +^  Federation Navy Hobgoblin ​ |  Thermal ​ |  9.5  |  3360  |  2.3958 ​ |  :::  |  :::  | 
 +For more details on drones and how to use them, refer to [[eve:​drones:start|Drones]].
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eve/drones/light_scout_drones.1456308897.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/02/24 10:14 by cubefury