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How to Jump Freight

Intro & Preparation

Jump freighting is the art of using a Jump Freighter to move items from place to place.

The minimum requirements to participate in Jump Freighting are:

  • A character capable of piloting a Jump Freighter (Jump Drive Calibration IV minimum, V reccomended - Jump Fuel Conservation IV minimum)
  • A Jump Freighter
  • Access to a character capable of lighting an Industrial Cynosural Field - AKA a Cyno Alt
  • A ship capable of lighting an Industrial Cyno
PACs and You

Your Jump Freighter pilot should be located within a PAC, one that is not within the PAC alliance. Being in a PAC gives your alt access to most TEST Alliance owned Citadels and Stations, and lets you avoid wars towards TEST and the PAC Alliance.

Even if you think you have access to a citadel/station that you haven't docked at before (or in an extended period of time), always check by attempting to dock using a cheap, expendable, ship first from a character in the same corp as your JF pilot. The citadel/station may not be configured correctly, and may not include all PACs. (Can you just search for the citadel on your JF alt to see if you have access?)

It is important to note, your PAC is not going to be blue to our Allies.

Cyno alts can be in TEST, in your PAC, or a mix. This depends on what you find most convenient.

Planning your Route

The first thing you need to do when Jump Freighting is plan your route. You will want to keep your route TO trade hubs reasonably private. This will reduce the chance of spies intercepting or interfering with you on your route. When using citadels, your route into nullsec doesn't need to be quite as opsec. You're most vulnerable when moving from lowsec to the trade hubs.

Use Dotlan's Jump Planner to work out possible routes.

An example route is as follows:

Amarr > Tastela > MH9C-S > V-3YG7

At each point in this route you will need to be able to light a cyno or have access to a friendly one and a citadel/station to dock in. (Citadels are greatly preferred due to the tethering mechanic) Note, this does not include Amarr as it is a high security system, this means you will be able to jump OUT of Amarr to Tastela, but not back to it. As such, you will have to gate your Jump Freighter between the two systems. NEVER gate through low/nullsec systems in a Jump Freighter, and do your best to avoid risky highsec systems. The only gate jumps you need to take are into highsec.

Know How to Light a Cyno and generally How to Move a Capital Ship. This is *much* easier with citadels, but you should know how to light on a station if needed.

Note - Jumping to a cyno on a citadel will not immediately tether you to the citadel, and you are blocked from tether for 25 seconds after exiting invulnerability. Immediately docking is the only option to remain safe.


Use only TEST citadels. There are plenty of “freeport” citadels that hunt capitals. They can even have an app that send them a text message when someone lights a cyno in their system. They log on, wait for you to jump, and then revoke your access.

Never, never, never use a beacon. Industrial cynos are cheap. JFs are not.

Fleet Invite Attack

There's a timing attack where a hostile fleet invite window will overwrite your own self fleet invite. Generally this is done on the undock, but there are other methods of timing.

To avoid these I recommend two things. Join fleet *before* you undock. Always move the fleet invite window away from the center and *then* check the FC name. Any new invites will pop up in the center of the screen and not overwrite your existing window.

High Sec to Null

Moving from high to Nullsec is generally the safest leg of the trip, as, in theory, you should never leave tether range of a citadel throughout.

The process is as follows:

  1. Ensure your Jump Freighter pilot is in fleet with your Cyno Alts. Add your cyno alt to your watchlist.
  2. Undock your first Cyno Alt, move it to your cyno bookmark, and light its Cyno
  3. Undock your Jump Freighter
  4. Wait for the 10 second session timer ctwdvhe_1_.png
  5. Right click the Cyno Alt on your watchlist and select “Jump To”
  6. When your Jump Freighter has landed on grid with the target citadel/station, dock as soon as you are able. (Keeping in mind the tether issue mentioned above for citadels)
  7. Repeat process after your Blue Jump Fatigue timer has reached less than 10 minutes.

Null to High Sec

Returning to High Sec can be more dangerous than High to Null, as generally you will have to gate your Jump Freighter from a lowsec midpoint to your High Sec destination. This exposes your slow, untanked Jump Freighter to potential gankers.

To avoid danger, the following precautions can be taken:

  • Fit Reinforced Bulkheads to increase tank and Inertial Stabilizers to reduce align time, this gives gankers less time to engage
  • Never autopilot
  • Carry less than ~1 Billion ISK when moving high volume items. The less you carry, the better. An 8b jump freighter is already a tempting killmail. Don't be afraid to use high sec freight services.
  • Never autopilot
  • Have a Cyno alt at the ready within range of your route, you can jump to this in an emergency (such as finding 20 catalysts waiting while you hold your gate cloak).

Jump Freighter Capacity

  • Amarr: Ark (275,625 m3 )
  • Caldari: Rhea (294,375 m3 )
  • Gallente: Anshar (281,250 m3 )
  • Minmatar: Nomad (270,000 m3 )

Since you need freighter IV to fly a Jump Freighter and they get 5% cargo per freighter level, the numbers are actually:

  • Amarr: Ark (330,750 m3 )
  • Caldari: Rhea (353,250 m3 )
  • Gallente: Anshar (337,500 m3 )
  • Minmatar: Nomad (324,000 m3 )
divisions/freight/jumpfreighting.1614614380.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/03/01 15:59 by Vanillaaa