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diplo:bylaws:moon_policy [2020/01/23 15:19]
diplo:bylaws:moon_policy [2023/03/12 06:52] (current)
djrandar ↷ Links adapted because of a move operation
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-====== Moon Auction ​======+====== Moon Policy ​======
 ===== Term History ===== ===== Term History =====
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       - Winning corp is expected to contact the previous owner once the auction has resolved. Corporations will be expected to transfer moons within 48 hours of requested transfer by winning corp no earlier than 48 hours before term start date. Payment of structures is expected within 48 hours of citadel transfer.       - Winning corp is expected to contact the previous owner once the auction has resolved. Corporations will be expected to transfer moons within 48 hours of requested transfer by winning corp no earlier than 48 hours before term start date. Payment of structures is expected within 48 hours of citadel transfer.
       - Knowing when the next term is coming means you should adjust your extraction period to be the minimal period entering into the new term – ie you should set it at 7 days ending on/near the term date.       - Knowing when the next term is coming means you should adjust your extraction period to be the minimal period entering into the new term – ie you should set it at 7 days ending on/near the term date.
-      - Structures on the moons should be given reasonable compensation for the transfer of the existing structure and it's fit (including reasonable rigs/fuel). Prices set by alliance at start of auction. [[:diplo:moon_auction#​citadel_price_history|Prices listed here]]+      - Structures on the moons should be given reasonable compensation for the transfer of the existing structure and it's fit (including reasonable rigs/fuel). Prices set by alliance at start of auction. [[diplo:bylaws:​moon_policy#​citadel_price_history|Prices listed here]]
       - Failure to transfer within requested time frame will result in a fine, equal to 200% of the moons daily value, payable to that corp, prorated by day.       - Failure to transfer within requested time frame will result in a fine, equal to 200% of the moons daily value, payable to that corp, prorated by day.
         - Extreme cases (e.g. with many infringing drilling platforms) will be dealt with case-by-case,​ and may result in expulsion from the program or the alliance.         - Extreme cases (e.g. with many infringing drilling platforms) will be dealt with case-by-case,​ and may result in expulsion from the program or the alliance.
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 ==== Alliance Centric ==== ==== Alliance Centric ====
-This entire program is an experiment, not just in economics and corp dynamics, but also in attitude and loyalty. This program is to benefit the alliance in the long term, and that includes ​benefitting ​corps in the medium term. Historically,​ the alliance has owned, maintained, and controlled structures and income streams with almost absolute authority; if this trial fails because corps cannot demonstrate maturity, show loyalty beyond their own group, or refrain from causing petty drama, we will have to close this program and find an alternative that is not so conducive to corp autonomy. Please, prove to us that you are worth the effort leadership has put into this program and this alliance over the years. Let’s usher in a new era of stability for Test, together, as more than the sum of our constituent corps.+This entire program is an experiment, not just in economics and corp dynamics, but also in attitude and loyalty. This program is to benefit the alliance in the long term, and that includes ​benefiting ​corps in the medium term. Historically,​ the alliance has owned, maintained, and controlled structures and income streams with almost absolute authority; if this trial fails because corps cannot demonstrate maturity, show loyalty beyond their own group, or refrain from causing petty drama, we will have to close this program and find an alternative that is not so conducive to corp autonomy. Please, prove to us that you are worth the effort leadership has put into this program and this alliance over the years. Let’s usher in a new era of stability for Test, together, as more than the sum of our constituent corps.
 As this is a project for the alliance, the alliance’s interests will be held above a corp’s when deciding whether to defend a moon and how. We will protect alliance assets with reasonable discretion, as we have always done. As this is a project for the alliance, the alliance’s interests will be held above a corp’s when deciding whether to defend a moon and how. We will protect alliance assets with reasonable discretion, as we have always done.
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 Corps should note that they can still make reasonably solid profit with bids if they react the material they mine. The alliance would like to encourage large-scale local reactions like this as part of our local industrial initiatives,​ and discourage exporting of the finished product if we can use it here, locally in null sec. Corps should note that they can still make reasonably solid profit with bids if they react the material they mine. The alliance would like to encourage large-scale local reactions like this as part of our local industrial initiatives,​ and discourage exporting of the finished product if we can use it here, locally in null sec.
-To protect corp and alliance assets and prevent an enemy from easily gaining a foothold in our space, the alliance may mandate that these structures follow certain rules regarding vuln timers and fittings.+To protect corp and alliance assets and prevent an enemy from easily gaining a foothold in our space, the alliance may mandate that these structures follow certain rules regarding vuln timers and fittings.https://​​topic/​110472-citadel-information-station-v3/​ rules apply to moon structures as well.
 ==== Initial starting bids ==== ==== Initial starting bids ====
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 ==== Non-TEST Space Moons ==== ==== Non-TEST Space Moons ====
-Clarification - of non-TEST space (NPC, non-legacy/​non-blue/​renter sov) - (mainly NPC (Stain, Curse), and lowsec, and elsewhere) – moons there are FFA, the alliance (as a whole) is unlikely to attempt to defend these, but if a corp wishes to stake claims and decide to mine/defend it themselves, more power to them. No taxes on any of these.+Clarification - of non-TEST space (NPC, non-legacy/​non-blue/​renter sov) - (mainly NPC (Stain, Curse, Great Wildlands), and lowsec, and elsewhere) – moons there are FFA, the alliance (as a whole) is unlikely to attempt to defend these, but if a corp wishes to stake claims and decide to mine/defend it themselves, more power to them. No taxes on any of these.
 If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Diplomatic Team (diplo-office on discord) for conflict resolution. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Diplomatic Team (diplo-office on discord) for conflict resolution.
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 +==== Citadel Prices ====
 +This will be updated at the start of each term to reflect the Jita Buy Value of the citadels/​drill/​core.
 +<​del>​Athanor 650 + Drill 110 + Core 700 = 1460m each.</​del>​
 +Refer to the TEST forum post which announced the Moon bidding period, for the updated pricing for the term.
diplo/bylaws/moon_policy.1579792783.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/23 15:19 by Fof