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diplo:bylaws:mining_policy [2024/03/25 18:20]
TheBiggles [§1 Moon Mining Specific Rules & Guidelines]
diplo:bylaws:mining_policy [2024/05/31 19:26] (current)
mrbibble [§1 Rock Mining Rules & Guidelines]
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 ===== §1 Rock Mining Rules & Guidelines ​ ===== ===== §1 Rock Mining Rules & Guidelines ​ =====
-  - Please don't be toxic - This includes arguing in local with blues.+  - Don't be toxic - This includes arguing in local with blues.
   - Be courteous to other folks on the field. If no-one complains, then these rules will stay simple and convenient.   - Be courteous to other folks on the field. If no-one complains, then these rules will stay simple and convenient.
   - Don't try and read between the lines or lawyer these rules, follow them in the spirit of the rules.   - Don't try and read between the lines or lawyer these rules, follow them in the spirit of the rules.
   - It is strongly suggested that you be in the Standing Fleet in game and in the Standing fleet discord comms (Probably baconbar).   - It is strongly suggested that you be in the Standing Fleet in game and in the Standing fleet discord comms (Probably baconbar).
-Please don't cherry-pick+Don't cherry-pick
       * Don't warp around the field constantly for the best rocks       * Don't warp around the field constantly for the best rocks
       * Try to mine what is in range of you before relocating       * Try to mine what is in range of you before relocating
diplo/bylaws/mining_policy.1711390826.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/03/25 18:20 by TheBiggles