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Siege of M-OEE8
Part of The Tribute War
Date Dec 3, 2016 to Dec 10, 2016
Location M-OEE8, Tribute
Result Defeat for the TEST Alliance Please Ignore and Circle of Two, with CO2's Keepstar dying at the end.
TEST Alliance Please Ignore, Circle of Two, others The Northern Coalition., Pandemic Legion, Pandemic Horde, Darkness, others
progodlegend, vily, gigx, others others

Siege of M-OEE8

The Siege of M-OEE8 was a drawn out battle starting from the initial reinforce of the Keepstar that CO2 were using as their home staging in Tribute to the final kill timer where the battle culminated in the destruction of New Edens first anchored and online Keepstar as well as the marking the end of the Tribute War of 2016. The timers were divided into three battles over each timer in a little over a weeks time with minor skirmishes in between. The two main battles, the armor timer and the hull timer were tidi lagfests of massive proportions as every group in EVE were either on a side or there to third party.

culture/history/battles/siege_of_m-oee8.1550481394.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/18 09:16 by Theoriginalamam