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Sovereignty and Citadels

Since this tends to be the topic of debate once every 6 weeks or so, fuck it, its worth putting into words just so everyone can be on the same page for once.

Sov = Citadel Rights

That being said, it needs clarification.

If an alliance holds a system's TCU, they have all rights to anchoring citadels. They can most certainly allow other alliances to have citadels in said system, but they need to be consulted prior to a citadel from an outside alliance being anchored. This will be done on your behalf by alliance diplomats; do not contact them yourself.

example: X holds the system. Y would like to put a staging citadel there for whatever reason. Y's alliance diplomat needs to talk to X prior to Y anchoring their tower.

Moon Rules

Moon mining falls to the moon_auction.

Moon Disputes

The appropriate course of action to take if a you need a moon for a legitimate purpose (ie, not just squatting on the moon because you don’t like to see another Corp sitting there) is to approach the Diplomatic Team. The diplomat will initiate a discussion with the Alliance or Corp in question and a solution will be found.

*This has the TEST Alliance Logistics seal of approval.

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zzz_-_archive/archive/diplo/sovereignty_and_moons2.1560375531.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/12 21:38 by Fof