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Defense: How It Works

There are five main defense stats on your ship

  • Effective Hit Points
  • Active Defenses
    • Armor Repair Rate
    • Hull Repair Rate
    • Passive Shield Recharge
    • Shield Boost Rate
  • Resists
  • Shields
  • Armor
  • Structure

Effective Hit Points is your health pool after resists are calculated into effect. Active Defenses is the amount of health you restore per second through one of the four drop down rates options you chose. Shields, Armor, and Structure are raw numbers that show the true health of the respective levels. It is important to note that resists do NOT factor into your true health numbers, ONLY your Effective Hit Points.

Defense: Changing Your Stats

This wouldn't be Eve if we couldn't change all the stats of our ship and our opponent's, and we have quite a few options

Effective Hit Points

EHP can be changed by adding any type of defense module on your ship that increases Resists or adds raw health. There are many Ship Modules that increase your EHP.

Calculating EHP

To calculate your ships EHP (which Eve does automatically for you) you take the resists for one type of health, average them and follow the formula below

  1. Average Effective Shield HP = Shield HP / (1 - Decimal resists)
  2. Average Effective Armor HP = Armor HP / (1 - Decimal resists)
  3. Average Effective Hull HP = Hull HP / (1 - Decimal resists)
  4. Total EHP = Average Effective Shield HP + Average Effective Armor HP + Average Effective Hull HP

Active Defenses

Active Defenses are how much your ship is actively repairing itself in one second. Besides the Passive Shield Recharge, the show the repair rate that will occur ONLY when your repair modules are activated. There are four options in the drop down menu on the Fitting screen to see your Active Defenses for each defense type:

  • Shield Boost Rate
    • This is a form of active tanking when you activate Shield Boosters to restore your shield health
  • Passive Shield Recharge
    • This is the only form of passive tanking where your shields naturally regenerate themselves
  • Armor Repair Rate
    • This is a form of active tanking when you activate Armor Repair Modules to restore your armor health
  • Hull Repair Rate
    • This is a rare form of active tanking when you activate Hull Repair Modules to restore your hull health


These numbers show the Resists, percentage of damage negated, from each damage type: EM, Thermal, Kinetic, Explosive.


This stat shows your raw hit points for your shields. The resists do NOT effect this number, only raw health modules (i.e. Shield Extenders). This defense is primarily focused on during Shield Tanking


This stat shows your raw hit points for your armor. The resists do NOT effect this number, only raw health modules (i.e. Steel Plates). This defense is primarily focused on during Armor Tanking


This stat shows your raw hit points for your structure. The resists do NOT effect this number, only raw health modules (i.e. Reinforced Bulkheads). This defense is primarily focused on during Structure Tanking

Other Types Of Defense

There are two other types of tanking that do not rely on the stats in your Defense. Speed Tanking and Signature Tanking are special types of tanking that rely on other stats in the Targeting and Navigation sections of your Fitting window.

training/game_mechanics/defense.1487101903.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/14 19:51 by conscript