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Admiral Squad

On Gherrit White and the creation of Admiral Squad:

rob3r: tl;dr I've drank with him before, so he gets his own squad.


Admiral Squad was born from the luck and heavy intoxication of a handful of jews, who determined that shooting red crosses by themselves was okay, but that shooting red crosses in search of jewgold with other idiots willing to try similar amounts of stupid bullshit was fucking awesome. And so, with a slight prodding of alliance leadership and the promise of occasionally relevant sloshops and unrustled jimmies, the squad was born.


Admiral Squad is the Special Interest Group (SIG) whose objective is to promote organized PvE activities around current alliance staging. It's somewhat of a “seasonal” group, as the alliance sometimes moves or deploys for one reason or another, and PvE activity tends to fall apart during that time (can't rat in TEST space if TEST has no space!). However, when the alliance has settled down in a new home, the SIG springs to life as people start to use local space to make ISK.


Who We Need

  • People that don't mind shooting red crosses or hunting for hidden troves of jewgold.
  • People that enjoy flying with others as a team, and don't think that internet spaceships is srs bsns.
  • People older than 12. For the love of god, be it and act it.

How To Apply

Head to the groups section on Auth and apply. Pop into the Discord channel and say hi once you have been accepted.

Things We Do

There are several different activities that you may find the various jews in Admiral Squad performing in TEST space.

  1. Ratting. This involves going through the asteroid belts of the various solar systems in EVE and performing the CONCORD God's duty of removing the Serpentis (or Blood Raider (or Sanshas Nation (or Angel Cartel (or Guristas)))) menace from space. This results in “Bounties” given out by CONCORD.
  2. Anomalies. These are unique pockets of space where large groups of Pirate NPCs spawn in a consistent fashion. These vary in the number of waves present, and the difficulty of the spawns. Occasionally, there is a chance for a rare Faction spawn to occur during some of these waves. Also, there is a slight chance that some of these will “escalate” into a …
  3. Complex/Plexing: This is basically hard-mode missions. These are strings of missions with chances at some of the best and greatest drops in the game. The rooms vary in levels of difficulty, and some require the absolute BEST tank you can possibly field. The NPCs here will often utilize multiple forms of EWar, including Stasis webifiers, Energy Neutralizers, and warp disruption. One can make billions of ISK in a single complex chain. Escalations from Anomalies can cause these, and they can be scanned down using Core Scanner Probes. Note that while Admiral Squad may form fleets to run certain sites, most complex running is handled by the group “complexrun”.
  4. Wormhole Raiding: Wormholes are separate systems from Kspace where Local doesn't matter and people live by their Dscan or die from surprise PvP. Sleepers are harder than normal rats as they feature smarter AI, do omni damage, omni tank, point, web, and neut. They do drop better salvage than Kspace rats and this salvage is used for T3 production making it rather profitable. Drakes, T3s, caps, logi, and dreads are king in Wspace.

The Admiral Chain Drinking Game

Players of this game must enter with enough alcohol to be shitfaced.

In case you are drinking the liqour straight, you may drink in smaller quantities, but this game was designed for the consumption of beer.

In the case of many players it can be played across many systems at once. All players must be in voice comms. This ensures hilarity.


  • Officer spawn. All players must finish a beer in x amount of minutes where x is the number of lootable items in the wreck container. Salvage does not count.
  • Hauler spawn. All players must drink a beer in y minutes where y is the number of haulers that were found in the belt.
  • True Sansha or equivalent. All players must finish their current beer.
  • Triple battleship spawn. Drink three mouthfuls.
  • Double battleship spawn. Drink two mouthfuls.
  • Single battleship spawn. Drink a mouthful.

Piloting errors

  • A rat has warp scrambled you. Drink five mouthfuls.
  • Pilot shoots a frigate and breaks the chain. Finish your glass regardless of amount. This rule applies even if you are warp scrambled.
  • You collide with an asteroid. Drink five mouthfuls. Any player who witness this action must also drink five mouthfuls.
  • You lose a drone or forget a drone in a belt. Drink five mouthfuls.
  • You lose a fighter drone assigned to you by another player. The owner of the fighter drone decides how much you must drink but he must also drink half of that amount.
  • You get blown up by rats. Drink as much as you need in order to grow the balls to sing a song collectively selected by the players. Before singing you must state that you lost a ship to rats, what ship it was and it's fittings. If any player of the game has broadcasting rights on mumble a broadcast must go out stating what is about to happen.


Don't go full retard, Don't act like Ned, and don't be a shitbag. Seriously. That's all we ask.

squads/admiralsquad/start.1553781477.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/28 13:57 by Fof