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Chris Martinn for translation. Feed him some good boy points. he deserves one. no. two.

Frederick Walker for answering all questions in no time. and also

Allendre Okaski and Phoph, and beautiful people from wiki-office, making these whole thing possible

Valerie Orlenard, MrAktilos MrAktilos, Seddow for answering goku shinanigans


Translator image.eveonline.com_character_2114631197_256.jpg

He had built korean wiki from void of nothingness.
it took him 6 days to translate whole korean wiki
and he is still making progress on it.
click on his name to go see the work he had done.
He totally deserves some good boy points.
it office pls bring back good boy points.

seddow fleet best fleet

Beautiful People from #wiki-office

Wiki admin
Man whos in charge



Helped EVERYTHING I've asked for, everything couldn't be done without his call.
Worked on some pages that I didnt have access to, and some background work for work
for making some articles public. Thank you alot.

Wiki admin
Man who knows everything


Frederick Walker

Answered basically every single questions I've asked. Even gave me a permission to ping himself freely and ask whatever I want. Teached me how “rename page” works, bearing my retardness, saved my time alot when I was wandering.
kr/contributor.1560396630.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/13 03:30 by ChrisMartinn