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Announce Tool

URL Link
Description Sends broadcasts in several ways to users on Jabber
Creator/Maintainer(s) Aevum Decessus
Other IT Services Link

What's it for?

The announce tool is used to send broadcasts to people on Jabber. Broadcasts can be sent one of 3 different ways, as detailed below.

All Online *

Sends a broadcast to all users on the specified Jabber servers (,, etc), you will not receive this message if you are not online when it is sent.

Sent to a group

Sends a multicast message to all users in the specified Auth group. Messages will be sent from the account “[email protected]”. Messages will be saved if you are offline and delivered when you next log in.

Sent to multiple groups

Multiple groups can be designated by them being separated by a “|” symbol. Sends multicast messages to all users in the specified Auth groups. Messages will be sent from the account “[email protected]”. Messages will be saved if you are offline and delivered when you next log in.


it/announce.1429646063.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/04/21 19:54 by aevumdecessus