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Required Skills

  • Amarr Frigate V
    • Spaceship Command I
  • Interceptors I
    • Spaceship Command III
    • Evasive Maneuvering V
      • Navigation II

Ship Description

The Amarr fleet interceptor has an interesting set of bonuses being the only fleet interceptor with a bonus to tank. Though the Malediction's 4 low slots and resist bonus might suggest an armor plated fit, this is usually a bad idea since an interceptor's main strength is its speed. The resist bonus does however work well with an armor repairer in some circumstances.

The Malediction has 4 low slots and 3 mids, allowing it to fit the standard fleet tackler complement of either two tackle modules or a warp disruptor and a MSE in its mids. The Malediction has slightly above average grid, making fitting a MSE slightly easier. The Malediction's 4 low slots and slightly higher base speed than the Ares means the Malediction can support the best speed fit among the fleet interceptors.

The Malediction's armor resist bonus means a small armour rep can give it a decent active armour tank and opens up options to use it as a brawling inty. The Malediction's four lows allow it to be speed and agility fit.

Ship Bonuses

Amarr Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
  • 5% bonus to Rocket Launcher rate of fire
  • 4% bonus to all armor resistances
Interceptors bonuses (per skill level):
  • 15% reduction in Microwarpdrive signature radius penalty
  • 5% bonus to Warp Scrambler and Warp Disruptor optimal range
Role Bonus:
  • 80% reduction in Propulsion Jamming systems activation cost
  • Immune to Interdiction Sphere Launcher, Warp Disruption Field Generator and Mobile Small, Medium and Large Warp Disruptor
eve/ships/frigates/malediction.1511961359.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/29 13:15 by AdrianAucoin