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This ship is used in alpha fleet doctrine

This ship is used in cerberus fleet doctrine

This ship is reimbursable

The Scimitar is fast - substantially faster than any other logistics ship. This makes it the logi of choice for most shield gangs, especially kiting or sniping gangs which rely on speed to survive. As a solo logi, the Scimitar gives up the Basilisk's additional high slots in exchange for extra lows, giving it a 4/5/4 slot layout all told. It also loses the Basilisk's bonuses to cap transfers, however it retains the same shield-related bonuses (range and cap use on shield transfers, and rep amount for shield rep drones). In addition to the Scimitar's shield rep bonuses, it also receives a bonus to tracking links - a form of remote tracking computer.

Source: evealtruist

Khanid's engineers have spent months perfecting the Sacrilege's on-board missile launcher optimization systems, making it a very effective assault missile platform. In addition, its supremely advanced capacitor systems make it one of the most dangerous ships in its class.

Developer: Khanid Innovation

In an effort to maintain the fragile peace with the old empire through force of deterrence, Khanid Innovation have taken the Maller blueprint and morphed it into a monster. State-of-the-art armor alloys, along with missile systems developed from the most advanced Caldari designs, mean the Sacrilege may be well on its way to becoming the Royal Khanid Navy's flagship cruiser.


  • Minmatar Cruiser V
    • Spaceship Command II
    • Minmatar Destroyer III
      • Minmatar Frigate III
        • Spaceship Command I
  • Logistics Cruisers I
    • Signature Analysis V
      • CPU Management I
    • Long Range Targeting V
      • Gunnery II
    • Spaceship Command III


Role bonuses:

  • 50% reduction in Remote Shield Booster CPU requirement

Minmatar Cruiser bonuses (per skill level):

  • 5% bonus to Remote Tracking Computer falloff
  • 20% bonus to Logistic Drone transfer amount
  • 60% bonus to Remote Shield Booster optimal range and falloff

Logistics Cruisers bonuses (per skill level):

  • 10% bonus to Remote Tracking COmputer effectiveness
  • 15% reduction in Remote Shield Booster activation cost



10mn AB Scimitar <EFT> [Scimitar, TEST Scimitar AB] Damage Control II Power Diagnostic System II Beta Reactor Control: Capacitor Power Relay I Beta Reactor Control: Capacitor Power Relay I

Large Shield Extender II Large Shield Extender II Adaptive Invulnerability Field II Adaptive Invulnerability Field II 10MN Afterburner II

Large S95a Remote Shield Booster Large S95a Remote Shield Booster Large S95a Remote Shield Booster

Medium Ancillary Current Router I Medium Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer II

Warrior II x5 Light Armor Maintenance Bot I x4 </EFT>

Black Ops

Drop the fourth shield transporter for a cloaking device and now you have a nice little surprise to augment your Black Ops gang. It's a little bit slow to lock due to the scan resolution penalty of the cloaking device so keep that in mind. If your enemies tend to bring ECM to the fight swap one of the Adaptive Invulnerability Fields for an ECCM module. edit: Removed one of the invulns for a Scan Resolution Sensor Booster to help mitigate the slow lock time.

<EFT> [Scimitar, Black Ops]

Power Diagnostic System II Power Diagnostic System II Power Diagnostic System II Power Diagnostic System II

10MN Afterburner II Large Shield Extender II Large Shield Extender II Sensor Booster II, Scan Resolution Script Adaptive Invulnerability Field II

Large S95a Partial Shield Transporter Large S95a Partial Shield Transporter Large S95a Partial Shield Transporter Improved Cloaking Device II

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I

Warrior II x1 Light Armor Maintenance Bot I x4 </EFT>

Ming's Trap Scimitar v2.0 (Combat)

Just like a beautiful transvestite, you will find wartargets and lone sabres rushing to engage you thinking you're an easy mark. And just like a beautiful transvestite, they will have no idea what's coming until you have them in bed, drugged and it's too late to stop what's coming.

Jump through a gate with wartargets, align out, and wait to be webbed and pointed by your mark. As soon as they're within 10km, lock, web, scram, Neut, hit AB and approach, activate weapons, launch drones and overheat everything. Then laugh heartily, as your victim blanches in horror at the reality that they can no longer escape and your surprise penis-like 262dps is tearing through their fragile backside while you effortlessly rep away their DPS with your dual Large Ancillary Shield boosters.

Update: Due to having trouble with the 425mm guns with tracking at the super close range you'll be at when engaging, I've swapped out the 425s for Dual 180s. This should allow you to do more damage as your guns will now actually be able to track and hit your small targets. Also, replaced the Rapid Light launcher with a Rocket Launcher II, which does about the same DPS as the Rapid Light, albeit at a closer range and with much less PG usage. With all the now-free powergrid, I added a Medium Neut, which can help in situations where you're getting swarmed- all but shutting down frigate laser/hybrid DPS and tank and murdering a secondary's MWD should you get swarmed. Still stays capstable at 30% with everything running, but does require a 2% PG implant to run w/ max skills. Just don't get neuted.

REQUIRED IMPLANTS: Inherent Implants 'Squire' Engineering EG-602

Helpful Implants: Low-Grade Crystal Set

Helpful Booster: Blue-Pill

<EFT> [Scimitar, Trap Scimitar v2.0]

Damage Control II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II

10MN Afterburner II Stasis Webifier II Warp Scrambler II Large Ancillary Shield Booster, Navy Cap Booster 200 Large Ancillary Shield Booster, Navy Cap Booster 200

Dual 180mm Autocannon II, Republic Fleet EMP Dual 180mm Autocannon II, Republic Fleet EMP Rocket Launcher II, Mjolnir Rage Rocket Medium Unstable Power Fluctuator I

Medium Core Defense Extender I Medium Core Defense Extender I

Valkyrie II x4 Warrior II x1

Nanite Repair Paste X200 Navy Cap Booster 200 X45 Republic Fleet EMP x2000 Mjolnir Fury Rocket x200 </EFT>


eve/ships/cruisers/scimitar.1464574646.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/05/30 02:17 by lawlocaust