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If you lose one in a belt you'll be laughed at in Mumble.

Great PVE ship due to good cap, a drake-tier passive shield tank, and a bigger drone bay than a Dominix with some nice utility highs for salvaging/tractoring. A somewhat undesirable PVP ship due to a hideously low base speed and its 6 mid slots competing for a shield tank and tackle. Cheap as far as faction cruisers go.

Required skills

  • Gallente Cruiser II
    • Gallente Destroyer III
      • Gallente Frigate III
        • Spaceship Command I
    • Spaceship Command II
  • Caldari Cruiser II
    • Caldari Destroyer III
      • Caldari Frigate III
        • Spaceship Command I
    • Spaceship Command II

Ship Description

Taking what he had learned from his days in the Caldari Navy, Korako ‘The Rabbit' Kosakami, Gurista leader, decided that he would rub salt in the State's wounds by souping up their designs and making strikes against his former masters in ships whose layout was obviously stolen from them. To this end the Gila, bastard twin of the Moa, has served him well.


Gallente Cruiser Skill Bonuses (Per Skill Level):
10% bonus to kinetic and thermal missile damage

Caldari Cruiser Skill Bonuses (Per Skill Level):
4% bonus to all shield resitances

Role Bonus:
500% bonus to Medium Combat Drone damage and hitpoints



Serpentis Forsaken Hub Gila

<EFT>[Gila, Forsaken Hub]

Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Beta Reactor Control: Shield Power Relay I

Large Shield Extender II Omnidirectional Tracking Link II Omnidirectional Tracking Link II Thermic Dissipation Field II Thermic Dissipation Amplifier II Kinetic Deflection Field II

Prototype Cloaking Device I Drone Link Augmentor I [empty high slot] [empty high slot] [empty high slot]

Medium Core Defense Field Purger I Medium Core Defense Field Purger I Medium Core Defense Field Purger I

Garde II x5 Warden II x5 Hobgoblin II x5 Hammerhead II x5 Vespa EC-600 x5 Hornet EC-300 x5</EFT>

This is a response to the Drone changes. This enables the Gila to put out pretty stellar DPS for its size courtesy of its sentry drones. You rely on your speed tank and your DPS to tank the rats. You need at least Caldari Cruiser 4 and supports to 4 to realistically tank. You can cheaply increase the tank with C-type deadspace hardeners as your wallet allows, but it should be unnecessary. You will orbit the Sentries to help you tank.

Your damage relies upon your drone skills. Realistically you should only need to use Garde IIs, anything less will rapidly diminish your ability to earn isk efficiently. You need T2 Sentries and Cruiser to 4. Otherwise you are dumb. You should only need to use Garde IIs, which can do up to 692 DPS. If you have the isk, Fed Navy Omnidirectionals will massively improve your DPS and your Sentries will hit Core Grand Admirals in reasonably deep falloff.

The Sentries will automatically switch targets as ships die, you will however need to redeploy them as they will get aggressed every new wave.

eve/ships/cruisers/gila.1454350167.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/02/01 18:09 by dshaw8772