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Ferox Guide

Reimbursement Fittings



The Ferox is the premier sniping battlecruiser and can fit almost as much tank as a Drake to serve as an excellent bait ship. This is what you should be aiming for instead of the Moa if you want to snipe, as the Moa does not have enough powergrid or midslots to function as an effective sniper. However to fit the Ferox effectively does require fairly high skills and the fits are higher SP unless specifically noted but if you train the skills it will be a clear path to the Rokh.

Required skills

  • Caldari Battlecruiser I
  • Caldari Cruiser III
  • Caldari Destroyer III
  • Caldari Frigate III
  • Spaceship Command I
  • Spaceship Command II
  • Spaceship Command III

Ship Description

Designed as much to look like a killing machine as to be one, the Ferox will strike fear into the heart of anyone unlucky enough to get caught in its crosshairs. With the potential for sizable armament as well as tremendous electronic warfare capability, this versatile gunboat is at home in a great number of scenarios.


Caldari Cruiser Skill Bonuses (Per Skill Level):
5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage
10% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret optimal range

Role Bonus:
Can fit Warfare Link modules
25% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret optimal range and falloff

eve/ships/battlecruisers/ferox.1550180084.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/14 21:34 by Fof