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Ferox Guide

Reimbursement Fittings



The Ferox is the premier sniping battlecruiser and can fit almost as much tank as a Drake to serve as an excellent bait ship. This is what you should be aiming for instead of the Moa if you want to snipe, as the Moa does not have enough powergrid or midslots to function as an effective sniper. However to fit the Ferox effectively does require fairly high skills and the fits are higher SP unless specifically noted but if you train the skills it will be a clear path to the Rokh.

Required skills

  • Caldari Battlecruiser I
  • Caldari Cruiser III
  • Caldari Destroyer III
  • Caldari Frigate III
  • Spaceship Command I
  • Spaceship Command II
  • Spaceship Command III

Ship Description

Designed as much to look like a killing machine as to be one, the Ferox will strike fear into the heart of anyone unlucky enough to get caught in its crosshairs. With the potential for sizable armament as well as tremendous electronic warfare capability, this versatile gunboat is at home in a great number of scenarios.


Caldari Cruiser Skill Bonuses (Per Skill Level):
5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage
10% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret optimal range

Role Bonus:
Can fit Warfare Link modules
25% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret optimal range and falloff

Non Doctrine Fittings


Ferox Doctrine Fit

<EFT>[Ferox, TEST Heavy Ferox 01/04/18]

Damage Control II Power Diagnostic System II Magnetic Field Stabilizer II Magnetic Field Stabilizer II

50MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive Large Shield Extender II Large Shield Extender II Adaptive Invulnerability Field II Large Shield Extender II EM Ward Field II

250mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M 250mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M 250mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M 250mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M 250mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M 250mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M Small 'Vehemence' Shockwave Charge

Medium Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer II Medium Core Defense Field Extender I Medium Core Defense Field Extender I

Hornet EC-300 x5

Javelin M x1000 Spike M x1000 Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M x2000 Caldari Navy Thorium Charge M x1000 Caldari Navy Lead Charge M x1000 Caldari Navy Iron Charge M x1000 Nanite Repair Paste x100</EFT>

The “Test Heavy Ferox” is the main fitting for the Ferox Fleet doctrine.


<EFT>[Ferox, Sniper]

Magnetic Field Stabilizer II Magnetic Field Stabilizer II Magnetic Field Stabilizer II Reactor Control Unit II

Tracking Computer II Tracking Computer II Sensor Booster II Sensor Booster II 10MN Microwarpdrive II

250mm Railgun II, Antimatter Charge M 250mm Railgun II, Antimatter Charge M 250mm Railgun II, Antimatter Charge M 250mm Railgun II, Antimatter Charge M 250mm Railgun II, Antimatter Charge M 250mm Railgun II, Antimatter Charge M [empty high slot]

Medium Hybrid Locus Coordinator I Medium Hybrid Collision Accelerator I Medium Core Defense Field Extender I

Hobgoblin II x5</EFT>

The best sniping battlecruiser platform bar none, the Ferox will not let you down. The optimal range bonus enables you to choose your engagement distances and the shield resistances give you some survivability as you will have virtually no tank fitted. Do not expect dazzling DPS at long ranges but it will be able to handle virtually any cruiser and below.

Your job is to always be in your optimal range. Use you MWD to get there if necessary and turn it off. Once in optimal use the proper ammo and scripts, antimatter for close-in and thorium/iron/spike for distance. When jumping through a gate or undocking at a station do not be the first. Watch your overview to see if the enemy is making you primary (when you see a lot of little yellow/red targeting boxes) and GTFO. The core defense rig is there only to buy you a little more time if an interceptor, frigate or cruiser decides to shoot at you but you should be looking to get out at 40-50% shields if the fleet or your drones don't make them disengage or dead.

With optimal range scripts Antimatter will get you about 30km, Thorium about 55km, Iron about 105km and Spike about 115km. Typically you want to run optimal range scripts on everything but antimatter because you will only yield about 8km on your optimal and having tracking scripts is more important at close range to do more DPS. Always keep scan resolution scripts loaded into your sensor boosters unless the target is more than 75km off (75km is the max targeting distance with Long Range Targeting V, adjust for your skills) then simply unload the scripts until you can target.

The Hybrid Locus Coordinator gets you extra range so you can play on the ship bonus or go for more DPS with the Hybrid Collision Accelerator with just the base range. To fit either of these you need to equip the Reactor Control II and have Hybrid Rigging IV. To fit the small remote armor rep you will need to downgrade to a Microwarpdrive I which will make you slightly less cap stable. The small remote armor rep is only for small reps between fights (camping gates/stations, moving to next location ect..) and never to be used while shooting.

100,000 EHP Tank or The Ferriferox

<EFT>[Ferox, The Ferriferox]

Power Diagnostic System II Power Diagnostic System II Damage Control II Magnetic Field Stabilizer II

Large Shield Extender II Large Shield Extender II Adaptive Invulnerability Field II Adaptive Invulnerability Field II 10MN Microwarpdrive II

200mm Railgun II, Antimatter Charge M 200mm Railgun II, Antimatter Charge M 200mm Railgun II, Antimatter Charge M 200mm Railgun II, Antimatter Charge M 200mm Railgun II, Antimatter Charge M 200mm Railgun II, Antimatter Charge M Small Remote Armor Repair System I

Medium Core Defense Field Extender I Medium Core Defense Field Extender I Medium Core Defense Field Extender I

Hobgoblin II x5</EFT>

This is the brother of the much vaunted Drake tank but fuck the Drake because you're flying a Ferox and you know rails and blasters will ALWAYS be cooler than missiles for PVP. This thing can take some serious punishment, enough for your fleet buddies to warp in and blow the crap out of whatever is shooting you. DPS is not irrelevant as you should be trying to do something other than sit there and get raped.

You are bait. Your the first one through the gate or out of the station and you will harass the enemy into aggressing you by waiting for them to shoot you or just shooting them. While the range bonus is welcome we are playing on the shield resistances to be more useful as a tank so ammo load out is going to be Antimatter/Thorium/Iron. You have no sniper mods and sniping is not the focus of the ship but you still need to be able to adjust your range to be effective.

To fit this ship you need Engineering V, Electronics V, Advanced Weapon Upgrades IV, Shield Upgrades IV, Energy Grid Upgrades IV, Hull Upgrades IV and Tactical Shield Manipulation IV just for the tank. You can get an extra 4000 EHP by adding another Power Diagnostic System and dropping the Magnetic Field Stabilizer or just keep the Magnetic Field Stabilizer for more DPS. With two PDS equipped your shield has a peak recharge of 230dps and with three it's 264dps.

Small Gang or Solo Blasters

<EFT>[Ferox, Small Gangs]

Damage Control II Magnetic Field Stabilizer II Magnetic Field Stabilizer II Magnetic Field Stabilizer II

Large Shield Extender II 10MN Microwarpdrive I Adaptive Invulnerability Field II Warp Scrambler II Stasis Webifier II

Heavy Ion Blaster II, Antimatter Charge M Heavy Ion Blaster II, Antimatter Charge M Heavy Ion Blaster II, Antimatter Charge M Heavy Ion Blaster II, Antimatter Charge M Heavy Ion Blaster II, Antimatter Charge M Heavy Ion Blaster II, Antimatter Charge M [empty high slot]

Medium Core Defense Field Extender I Medium Core Defense Field Extender I Medium Core Defense Field Extender I

Warrior II x5</EFT>

Blasters? On my sniping battlecruiser? Why? I need more DPS or I need more tracking or I need close range abilities or whatever the fuck stupid shit you thought of is wrong. Fly a Brutix. That being said there are a few ways to fly this and it is dependent on your prey.

When going solo pick your targets carefully before you undock. You either go after small stuff like cruisers and below or other battlecruisers. When going after small stuff use only one Large Shield Extender and fit the Stasis Webifier and Medium NOS/Neut. Battlecruiser sized and up stuff drop the NOS/Neut and Webifier for the shield extender. Use ECM drones if your having trouble with tanking or add Warriors for more DPS of you're confident. You're still slow as shit compared to a cruiser or a frigate so you could put a Warp Disruptor on it but good luck catching up to it after you disrupt it. Oh and now you're agressed so you can't jump or dock for 60 seconds and his buddies are now beating you to shit.

In Fleet work you can mix and match the Web/Neut combo vs. the shield buffer based on how you think you'd fare but whatever this is not a real blaster platform or it would have a native damage modifier and or tracking modifier.

eve/ships/battlecruisers/ferox.1545934062.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/12/27 18:07 by Fof