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Deepflow Rift Sites

Deepflow Rifts are scanned exploration sites, with a rift reaching into Triglavian space. You use a tractor beam to pull loot through the rift the remains of the Drifter-Triglavian war. Mitigating instability ensures you don't face NPC defenders. If instability hits 100%, a Surge will occur and a host of Rogue Drone defenders will spill through the rift to attack you. There is no ship type limits or requirements. All you need is a Tractor Beam(s) to grab the loot from the Rift.


The first person to warp to the site will begin the site. Initially a red rift, which you cant lock, is on screen and the Opportunities window will show that the rift is forming. After a couple of seconds, a lockable Rift appears and the Opportunities window is updated:

You will have 15 minutes to grab as many cans from the rift, up to the 27 limit shown in the Opportunities Window.

Ship Fits

Anything with a tractor beam. Recommended you also bring an MTU so it can grab the cans that you fish out with the tractor beams.

  • 3 tractor beams will allow you to get all the available cans from a single rifts, with 2 or so minutes left on the timer. You will need to manage the instability throughout.

Type of Loot

The loot from these sites are Canisters (Ancillary Preservation Canister & Prime Conservation Canister), whcih you have to open to obtain the real loot.

Loot from 3 sites: 80 x Ancillary Preservation Canister, 2 x Prime Conservation Canister:

  • 12 x Ancient Coordinates Database
  • 47 x Neural Network Analyzer
  • 21 x Sleeper Data Library
  • 2 x Sleeper Drone AI Nexus
  • 502 x Triglavian Survey Database
  • 1 x Demijohn-Secured Dispatch
eve/pve/exploration/sites/deepflow_rift.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/07 14:50 by Waffles_McSpanky