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Sansha Hideaway

  • Faction: Sansha
  • Location: Highsec
  • Damage Dealt: EM/Therm

Initial Spawn

  • 1-2 x Centii Minion/Servant (frigate)

Second Spawn - "More hostiles arrive at the site."

  • 1-2 x Centii Ravener/Scavenger (frigate)

Third Spawn - "Squadron Commander: Recon squad returning to base as per orders."

  • 2-3 x Centii Minion/Servant (frigate)

Fourth Spawn - "Another group of ships answers the site's distress call."

  • Version 1: 1-2 x Centi Enslaver/Plague (frigate)
  • Version 2: 2-3 x Centi Ravener/Scavenger (frigate)
eve/pve/anomalies/hideaway/sansha_hideaway.txt · Last modified: 2017/02/06 15:43 by conscript