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Base Haver's Printable Wall Map (The North)

The equivalent wall map for southern null can be found here.

You should always be aware of your surroundings when flying spaceships. Whether you're scouting for your fleet, reading the intel channel or just plain lost, it helps to have a map handy for a quick reference. Dotlan has a few combination maps for sections of northern null but none are extensive as this and they are not printer-friendly.

This map has been formatted to accommodate the standard 8.5“ x 11” page size of most printers. The colors are calibrated for CMYK laser printers, though it should look fine if you're using an inkjet printer.

Several features are included to make life easier for the user:

  • Citadel marking – The 3 outlines above each system can be penciled in to signify that a M, L or XL citadel is present. These marks can be erased if the citadel is destroyed.
  • Truesec – Each system is shaded from white to deep purple to illustrate its truesec.
  • White Space – There is plenty of space between systems for writing notes or drawing jump bridge connections.
  • Route highlighting – arterial gate connections that are used to move between regions are more prominent than indirect connections.
  • Positioning – Each system's placement loosely reflects its actual position in space relative to surrounding systems, making it more obvious which system's you'll passing through when moving capitals.

The Files

8.5" x 11" Pages


  • right click > save link as > open it on your computer with adobe reader

17" x 22" Pages

Full Map


The .pdf is 24 pages long, but only pages 1-10 are needed to map out all of Vale of the Silent and most of its surrounding regions. Pages 11-14 add Fade, Pure Blind, southern Deklein and the remainder of Tribute. Pages 15-24 add Venal, Tenal, Branch and the rest of Deklein.

  1. In your printer settings set the quality as high as possible.
  2. Ensure that “fit to page” is selected.
  3. In the “pages” or “print range” field, enter the extent you want your map to go to. 1-10 is recommended.
  4. Ensure that the pages are oriented in landscape.

Keep the pages in an orderly stack. Your printer will have created white bars all around each page of the map since it can't print all the way to the edge, so you may want to cut those in a way that allows you to overlap each page so the gates & borders line up. It sucks if you don't have a paper chopper, but you should only have to do this once.

Error Reporting

If you notice any inaccuracies please notify Base Haver with a forum PM or through jabber ([email protected])

eve/maps/printable.1460420784.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/04/12 00:26 by Hikury