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Rydis is a member of the alliance Goonswarm Federation. She is also one of the only female members.

Why the fuck do I care?

Rydis is not only a female EVE Online player, but she is also a Goonswarm FC. Her military prowess is so great she has a dickshittingly impressive 76 pages of kills on her killboard, showing that she is, in fact, elite PVP.

On top of this, she is the sky marshall of the Fountain invasion. She is so serious about it, she dresses up whenever she logs onto EVE.

Her extremely high-quality platemail allows her to channel all of her physical strength into her keyboard, granting her a +6 bonus to posting ability and a 5% to fleet command checks per level.

She also uses the same platemail when she takes part in Live Action Roleplaying, which she regularly takes part in alongside The Mittani.

culture/players/rydis.txt · Last modified: 2017/02/24 16:34 by conscript