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Part of World War Bee
Date 2020-06-04 to (Ongoing)
LocationDelve, Fountain, Querious, Period Basis, Paragon Soul, Esoteria
Result Defeat for The Imperium with PAPI successfully anchoring a Keepstar
PAPI The Imperium
vily, progodlegend, othersasher elias, elo knight, others

World War Bee 2

On the 22nd of June 2020, after many years of relative peace between Legacy and the Imperium, Vily declared war on the Imperium, giving them 2 weeks to prepare. Legacy was soon to be joined by most NullSec blocs, such as PanFam, the WinterCoalition, or the FI.RE coalition, among others, forming the PAPI megacoalition (PanFam alliance please ignore).

culture/history/battles/world_war_bee_2.1605994578.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/21 21:36 by Evoluxman