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Battle of U-HVIX
Part of The Wicked Creek Campaign
Date 2015-03-26
Location U-HVIX, Wicked Creek
Result TEST gets backstabbed by NOFUX, locked out of staging. Gets bacon saved by PL and Gentlemen's Club.
TEST Alliance Please Ignore, Pandemic Legion, Gentlemen's Club Black Legion, Almost Awesome
others others

Battle of U-HVIX

In March 2015, TEST had decided to move to Wicked Creek to rebuild after the years spent wandering the desert after the Fountain War. In order to do a orderly move, TEST had tempblued basically most of Wicked Creek but Almost Awesome <NOFUX> and their cancerous exec Roweena Azur decided to set up a betrayel. On the eve of the move, they locked TEST out of the station that we were supposed to stage out of and called in Black Legion to ambush the move op.

A desperate battle was being fought were TEST were on the losing side. But all was not lost! As TEST leadership quickly batphoned in help from Pandemic Legion <PL> and Gentlemen's Club <GCLUB> to help out. In the end, the shaky future of TEST were secured and our staging captured. Favors were owed and repaid to PL and GCLUB while NOFUX set themselves up to be on the receiving end of TESTs ire for most of the rest of TESTs stay in Wicked Creek.

culture/history/battles/u-hvix.1678599822.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/12 05:43 by djrandar