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Battle of SH1-6P
Not part of any ongoing campaign
Date 2016-08-20
Location SH1-6P, Tribute
Result Defeat for TEST and CO2 with CO2 losing multiple Titans and TEST a capital fleet
TEST Alliance Please Ignore, Circle of Two, Snuffed Out, Project Mayhem Pandemic Legion, Northern Coalition., Triumvirate
gigx, vily Killah Bee, others

Battle of SH1-6P

The Battle of SH1-6P were in the prelude to the Tribute War of 2016 before the invasion proper had begun. In the battle a CO2 supercapital shipyard had been attacked by PanFam and gigx in all his wisdom decided to drop supers on the attackers. This lead to a counterdrop of the at the time vastly larger supercapital forces of PanFam and CO2 eating shit turned into a obvious outcome. TEST, at the time allied to CO2, answered the calls for help with committing its own capital fleet to help extract as many of the tackled CO2 supers as possible. In the end much of TESTs capital fleet as well as 6 CO2 Titans and their shipyard had been destroyed.

In the words of the immortal Cornak Firefist:

Cornak Firefist: Yeah we had like 35 total supercaps ready to go on our end

So we were like 'gigx bro don't drop we'll eat shit'

so we're going along with dreads and shit

and then suddenly

2-300km off or so

CO2 titans suddenly appear

and we're like


but he is like


and we're like


to try to get the CO2 supercaps clear

so we jump in basically all our caps

and distract as much of the NCPL stuff as possible to force a split

Which sort of works

But CO2 still loses 6 titans or something

It was a lot of shenanigans

It's why everyone loves to shoot CO2 and hates to work with CO2

since they get ezfrags

culture/history/battles/sh1-6p.1548659847.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/28 07:17 by Theoriginalamam