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Battle of 319-3D
Part of World War Bee 2
Date 2020-10-11
Location319-3D, Delve
Result Destruction of the anchoring Keepstar but with losses over 1000 battleships for The Imperiumt
PAPI The Imperium
progodlegend, vily, othersasher elias, lazarus telraven, elo knight, others

The Battle of 319-3D

The Battle of 319-3D was the third attempt by PAPI, the megacoalition temporarily formed to fight The Imperium in World War Bee 2, to anchor a Keepstar in Delve itself as a initial beachhead for the invasion. Previously to this, The Imperium had ceded all territory outside of Delve and turtled up inside the region. PAPI, which TEST was a leading member of, had made two previous attempts, both in FWST-8, a few days earlier to anchor Keepstars for that purpose. Both had been destroyed.

The 319-3D Keepstar never made it past the initial anchoring timer. PAPI had not hypepinged or informed many outside of leadership about the planned drop, instead hoping of sneaking it past The Imperium and instead then fight over the onlining timer the next day. This did not happen as The Imperium noticed and started rageforming.

A battle then soon raged as both sides formed as much they could in such a short time and The Imperium used the same tactic as they did in the previous two attempts with wave after wave of suicide subcaps, primarily battleships and dropping in a steady stream of Stalingrad dreadnaughts.

The battle which lasted for roughly 5 hours, had significanltly less participants than the previous two Keepstar drop battles and ended with The Imperium losing over 3000 ships while PAPI lost only around 400. The Imperium lost around 750 billion ISK, while PAPI lost TEST Fleet Commander progodlegend was a little disappinted as PAPI did not break the previous set record in FWST of destroyed battleships since goons lost over 1000 battleships but still not reaching the same all time point of the previous battle.

In the end the anchoring Pandemic Horde Keepstar died.

A few days later, Oct 15th 2020, a new PAPI Keepstar was seen anchoring in the same system and this time it made it into the onlining timer.

The stage was set for a fourth Keepstar battle, following just on the heels of goons reeling defeat in The Battle of YZ9-F6 the same day as the new Keepstar was dropped.


culture/history/battles/319-3d.1602867156.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/16 16:52 by Theoriginalamam