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Second Battle of FWST-8
Part of World War Bee 2
Date 2020-10-16
Location319-3D, Delve
Result Around one trillion ISK lost by The Imperium. One lost Keepstar by PAPI
PAPI The Imperium
vily,progodlegend, killah bee and many others asher elias, elo knight, lazarus telraven and many others

The Second Battle of 319-3D

On Oct 16th 2020, PAPI, the temporary megacoalition formed to evict The Imperium from their space in World War Bee 2, made their fourth attempt to anchor a Keepstar in NPC Delve. Previously, The Imperium had been pushed back from their space into Delve where they turtled up and were now desperatly trying to prevent PAPI from establishing a beachhead.

PAPI, which TEST was a member of, had quickly realized that The Imperium were willing to feed massive amount of ships into the defending fleets to prevent the anchoring and so these baitstars were dropped.

This battle went much like the previous three baitstars in FWST-8 and 319-3D. The fifth Keepstar were not a baitstar and were anchored in YZ9-F6 properly set up with anchored bubbles and pings and therefor anchored without much issue.

In this battle, Pandemic Horde dropped the Keepstar and it was contested once more by The Imperium using suicide ravens and Stalingrad dreads. They had however augmented their doctrine by using carriers in order to try to find the cheapest way to suicide grind down a anchoring Keepstar.

The battle itself lasted for 10 hours in tidi and was the feature of the first Keepstar installment of the new Quantum Cores.

In the end the Keepstar blew up and The Imperium had paid roughly 1.2 trillion ISK in lost ships for it. PAPI had roughly 200bil in losses, not counting the Keepstar.

culture/history/battles/319-3d-2.1678599821.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/12 05:43 by djrandar