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A strange and terrible affliction that affects newly promoted Fleet Commanders of all ability.

Symptoms exceed that of real world meningitus with brain swelling to enormous sizes and causes posting quality to decline.

Causes are from FCing a few fleets and beating a very weak enemy.


Appropriate hazing helps alot. And some perspective. If the patient is too far gone, there is no hope and all you can do is watch the shitshow from the fiery cesspit or /r/eve as they join a legion and then burn out like the bright star they were never meant to be.

Known Victims

Casus Pacis

Sevak Indares/1nverted



Laladria Moonsword

Ken Morton

Those who recovered with permanent injuries


Wrik Hoover

Elo Knight

Those who recovered but now smash atoms

Grath Telkin

Research Expeditions

The Catch investigation

sajuukthanatoskhar, elite R&D specialist within TEST Alliance Please Ignore, has been searching for a cure. With some exploration in Delve, he thinks he has the answer but he cannot be sure. As a Skirmish Commander, it is of his highest concerns that he finds the cure fast otherwise he too will join the ranks of those who have obtained the illness and irrevocably recover.

The Wicked Creek Expedition

Sajuukthanatoskhar, in his infinite wisdom, decided to move his research laboratory to U-HVIX. The entirety of TEST was needed to complete the move to ensure security and a smooth transition. Current findings are classified level Tyrannosaur Rex. Black Legion's Elo Knight, who knows what will happen to TEST should it come up with the coveted cure to Fleet Commaningitus, decided to move against TEST with all vigor and headshot the station. It took serious damage and Sajuuk's Hydrofluoric Acid fell on the floor. Laladria wasn't a pretty face in his scrapbook anyway.

In any case, Sajuuk has refashioned his Thanatos fucking Ninazu for science and is now doing his work out of it.

His corporation, [ Row Row Fight the Power], is the base at all of this and seeks more individuals to help run his test out in Goon held Delve.

culture/fleet_commaningitus.1496893658.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/08 03:47 by sajuukthanatoskhar