Table of Contents

ECM Number Crunching

What is the purpose of ECM

The purpose of ECM is to “jam” someone, which means to prohibit the targeted ship to lock anything else in space (ships, cans, whatever) or to break the current locks. Each ECM module has a cycle time (20 s) and has a certain probability of landing a “hit” on each cycle. That probability is based on the ratio between your own 'ECM strength' (JS) and the 'sensor strength of your target' (SS).

ECM probability is influenced by


There are two basic types of jammers: Racial and Multispectral. Racial jammers are heavily biased to a specific race and nearly useless against the other three. Multi jammers are not as strong as the racials against a single race but equal in strength against all four races.



Low slots:

Med slots:

Conclusion: Racial Jammer => more ECM strength and more range









Let’s do some Math - Probabilities

Little example - Coin toss

What’s the probability to get heads?

What is the probability of one minmatar racial jammer (JS=3.6) to hit a Hurricane (SS=16)?

Not the best results even with a racial jammer we only get a probability of 22.5% which is almost only one out of five trys would be a hit. But there are some enhancements .-)

Probabilities + Skills


This leads to an overall JS with racial jammers of 14.27. With the new much higher JS strength what is the probability to hit a Hurricane.

This shows an incredible increase to successfully jam a target with a 'SINGLE' racial jammer. Even the other three races have a reasonable chance to succeed.

Multiple Jammer on a single target

Two racial Jammers

Same Scenario:

What is the probabilty to hit a target with two red racial jammers (JS=14.27). The target is a ECCM fit Scimitar (SS=33). The Formula for multiple jammers is defined with:

E[\%]=(1 - (1 - JS/SS)^n)*100

This leads to the following numbers:

The effect of using racial jammers compared to multis is in this case 18.47% greater.

Rainbow fit

Same Scenario:

Using a full rainbow rack, what is the cumulative probability of a successful jam cycle? The ship used is a Falcon against a Raven (SS=22). The Falcon provides us a JS with the Caldari jammer of 14.27 with the other three only 4.76. The formula changes slightly to a multiplication of each and every jammer module used:

If your Falcon is for example fit with 4 Caldari jammers (JS=14.27) we would hit the target with a probability of:

If your Falcon is for example fit with 4 Multis (JS=9.51) we would hit the target with a probability of:

ECM Drones

Some number crunching for drones:

The probability to hit a Drake (SS=19) with five drone of the same type.

Unfortunately there is no skill to increase the ECM strength of drones.


Two diffenet types are available to increase your own sensor strength and one to increase your targets sensor strength (Projected ECCM Modules). For example: Med-Slot - eg. Gravi Low-Slot - type can be replaced with Grav/Ladar/Magno/Radar

Hints to use ECM

Fighting in Falloff

Try not to fight in falloff if at all possible.


PDF Version - ecm.pdf

1 - ((1 - JS/SS)*(1 - JS/SS)*(1 - JS/SS)*(1 - JS/SS
1 - 14.27/22)*(1 - 4.76/22)*(1 - 4.76/22)*(1 - 4.76/22