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zzz_-_archive:archive:diplo:sovereignty_and_moons2 [2019/06/12 21:38]
Fof created
zzz_-_archive:archive:diplo:sovereignty_and_moons2 [2024/01/08 21:52]
mrbibble [KEEPSTAR]
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 =====Moon Rules===== =====Moon Rules=====
-Moon mining falls to the [[diplo:moon_auction]].+Moon mining falls to the [[diplo:bylaws:​moon_policy]].
 =====Moon Disputes===== =====Moon Disputes=====
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 ***This has the TEST Alliance Logistics seal of approval.** ***This has the TEST Alliance Logistics seal of approval.**
 +=====Citadel Rules=====
 +These rules apply to all citadels anchored within legacy space, or within 2 JF mids of legacy space. ​ The rules for "​ALL"​ also apply to any citadel types that have other specific rules; conflicts are superseded in their specific sections.
 +  * Must apply all ACLs as specified in the alliance MOTD linked ACL channel
 +  * Additional lists may be added of course, for example: corp gunners
 +  * Taxes for non-refining services may not be set too disparately as to "​bully"​ non-corp/​non-friends out of a system'​s existing infrastructure. ​
 +  * Taxes for refining must be set uniformly for all members of TEST, including you and your corp, and must be set to at least to the alliance tax minimum (1.5% as of writing)
 +  * All Markets must be set at least to alliance staging +1%
 +  * May not be freeported
 +  * Minimum tax for non-market/​refine services: 0%
 +  * Maximum tax for non-market/​refine services: 10%
 +  * Taxes for ALL services must be set the same for ALL TEST members, including you and your corp
 +  * decommissions must notify alliance logistics, and must allow for at least 2 months notice before decommissioning.
 +  * Aborted jobs due to incompetence or rogue malice will be reimbursed by the owning corp.
 +  * Sotiyos must be fueled at all times, and once a service module is onlined a notice of 60 days must be given before it is offlined.
 +All X-Larges will be managed by Alliance Logistics, if you would like to temporarily donate a keepstar to the alliance under the following stipulations,​ contact High Command with the following:
 +  * Where it's going (system)
 +  * Where it's going (physically within system)
 +  * What it's purpose is
 +  * What services you want installed
 +  * Wait for approval BEFORE ACQUIRING THE CITADEL as X-large are basically outposts, and require planning
 +If you want to move your citadel, or take it down, it will be returned to you following its decommissioning
 +Once requested to be detowered, a period of at least 1 week will be observed to allow alliance members to migrate assets.
 +Services/​fits must be approved by the alliance
 +Rights Granted:
 +  * Naming Rights (with standard alliance veto)
 +  * Gunning Rights for corp tcom members (which will be removed if abused)
 +  * Decommission rights (or alliance buyout)
 +After observing the above, Keepstars may be dropped/​anchored by corporations,​ with said alliance (high command) approval, and will be turned over to Upvote shortly thereafter anchoring and fitting.
 ---- ----
 Back to [[diplo:​Bylaws]] Back to [[diplo:​Bylaws]]
zzz_-_archive/archive/diplo/sovereignty_and_moons2.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/08 21:52 by mrbibble