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Infinite Point [3.14-]

TimeZone: EU/US

Infinite Point [3.14-] is a medium sized NullSec, PVP focused Corp, with a mixture of both somewhat new and very experienced, mature members who have been playing for 1-10+ years. Two key advantages of a medium sized corp for the line members are:

  1. that there are always people online when you are and
  2. that you are not just another anonymous line-member in a huge corp where no one notices if you are around or not.

We are proud of being a 'drama free' and stable corp based on friendship, respect and helpful people. Our new members usually comment that they have never been in such a friendly and respectful corp before and often invite their old like-minded friends to join us. We are not a hardcore corp requiring our members to play each day and alarm clock for CTA’s etc. But, we like to do things well and in an organized manner. So flying proper doctrines and being up to date with the current meta is important to us. Whelps? No thanks (we try to avoid the obvious ones at least!).

Said about our corp:

  • “You guys have the best run corp I've ever seen, and I'm proud to be a part of it.”
  • “can vouch for infinite point, i'm not in their corp but all of the guys i met in IP are super cool, fun to fly with and knowledgeable.”
  • “Im an Ex-Infinite point member and I still have nothing but good things to say about them. If your joining test and want chill they are your guys IMO.”
  • “Absolutely stellar leadership and great members, thanks for allowing me to be part if this great team.”

We are usually just recruiting Experienced pilots to strengthen our team for more ‘space boat violence’ ie PVP. There are far better corps for brand new players. Please note, when we do open recruitment it's for a limited time and we will be a bit restrictive in who we accept. Quality over quantity!

What we can offer through the corp and Alliance/Coalition we are part of:

  • Small Gang PVP
  • Daily Roams
  • Gate Camps
  • BlackOps
  • PvP classes/training upon request
  • Fleet PVP
    • Medium-large fleet engagements (30+)
    • Huge fleet engagements (200+)
    • SOV (yes, that Fozzie stuff)


  • Combat/Data/Relic/Gas/Ore Sites
  • Excellent atmosphere, close community
  • TeamSpeak 3 and Discord
  • Our own Website and IT Services
  • Friendship
  • No Drama
  • Ship Replacement Programs
  • Discounted prices on ships
  • JF Services
  • Industrial Branch for your Alt(s)
    • Mining in Industry 5 index systems
    • POS'es
    • PI
    • Rorqual Boosts
    • Mining Fleets
    • Protection
    • Buyback programs for ore, PI, salvage, and ice
  • Lots of Fun and Action

What We are looking for:

  • An active killboard
  • Can communicate in English
  • Players who are regularly playing and active
  • Easy going, helpful, respectful and mature people
  • Must have Mumble/TeamSpeak installed and willing to use when in fleets
  • Must provide Account wide API for all chars, no exceptions.

When recruitment is closed; We'll only Accept people who're already in TEST or got a vouch from someone in 0.0 Massive Dynamic / Infinite Point

A bit more about who we are:

The core leadership has been with the corp for 10 years through different mergers, and we have a very dedicated and stable core of players. The members are a mature group of like-minded players who enjoy PvP or just doing things together and working towards a common goal. We may also drink the odd beer here and there with a very laid back atmosphere (some even drink red wine, and a jug of Rum & Coke helped me write this article!). Our main goal is to Focus on PvP and exercise ‘boat violence’ (PVP) in various forms, no matter if it's solo, blops, small gang or large alliance PVP. We will be there shooting stuff! We also have a quite large and very effective industrial branch, called 0.0 Massive Dynamic [0MD] through which we finance our fun (and occasional losses). Our members have their main in either the PVP or Indy Corp and alts in one or the other depending on their preferences.

Our corp members are online 24×7 but we currently have a very strong presence in EU and US Time.


If this all sounds interesting to you, drop by our recruitment channel “Infinite Point Recruitment” or join our discord server and have a chat with us.

zzz_-_archive/archive/corps/infinite_point.1678588142.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/12 02:29 by djrandar