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Unidentified Wormholes


These wormholes are similar to wormholes, however, these are fraught with danger but with a little bit of intelligence, you can get through these with relative ease. They go to special 'drifter' wormholes which are very similar to an Eldar Webway, the Nexus from the Deathgate Cycle or the Ways, of Wheel of Time fame. Most of the time, these aren't inhabited and there are only 6 in existence. They have a static C2 wormhole and connections to the next drifter wormhole. They are also full of K-Space wormholes with most having the ability to carry capitals, however the wormholes count as a shattered wormhole and thus capitals may not be able to jump through.

Where to find them

Unidentified Wormholes spawn as a celestial beacon like this.

These wormholes spawn at random in systems with a Jove Observatory. They last 24-48 hours upon spawn. There is a list here

When you land on the beacons, you will land at 84 km from the wormhole. Drifters may be here, if they are, you have 10 seconds or there abouts to get out. Otherwise, you are deader than Osama bin Laden.

You can also find the sister wormholes through the other wormholes that can be found like this


Drifters will spawn in the K-Space wormhole side. These will instablap any ship with their Lux Kantos doomsday weapon. I haven't seen this been tested on other subcaps. This includes any Autothysian Lancers that maybe on the wormhole entrance, scanning it.

Zephyrs, a ship class ignored by sleepers, will be shot at by drifters. You have been warned.

Jove Observatory Locations



Perrigen Falls



This information was brought to us by Delta Squad's FC's Sheogorath and Alexidrakovich

training/guides/unidentified_wormholes.1500780443.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/07/23 03:27 by sajuukthanatoskhar