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Anomaly Ratting

The gist of anomaly ratting is:

  • Warp to a combat site on your probe scanner
  • Kill the rats
  • Kill the reinforcing rats
  • Go to the next site and repeat

The benefits of anomaly ratting vs. asteroid belt ratting is that the rats will come to you. Not only that, the rats will have higher bounty values as well. In addition, these sites have a possibility of giving you an “Escalation”. Escalation's are special events which give you a new location for a Combat site to go to. They may be in the same system you are in when you got the Escalation, but most of the time it will be in a system a few jumps away. This Escalation is special and exclusive to you, no one else can find it unless you give it to them or they scan you down while you're in it. The Escalation will have difficult opponents, but also has a chance to drop incredibly valuable faction modules as loot. You may choose to run these Escalations yourself, or if you don't have the capability to run them on your own you can sell them off to another player instead for extra ISK.

There is a progression of ships to follow with Anomalies based on skill training and available starting capital. Generally, a recommended progression of ships is:

Vexor —> Myrmidon —> Dominix —> Gila —> Ishtar —> Big expensive ships that you should read a separate, dedicated guide before getting into

However, along the way there are some other options too. For a more comprehensive ship progression consult the chart below. <progression chart to be made>

Expected Income

Assuming you have decent offensive skills trained.

  • Vexor:4-6 mil/tick.
  • Myrmidon: 6-8 mil/tick.
  • Dominix: Unknown.
  • Gila: Unknown.
  • Ishtar: 15 mil/tick.
  • Vargur: 30 mil/tick


[Vexor, OP Neo Ratting (Drone Squads and Below)]

Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer II
Shield Power Relay II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II

10MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Large F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender
Large F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender

200mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Lead Charge M
200mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Lead Charge M
200mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Lead Charge M
200mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Lead Charge M

Medium EM Shield Reinforcer I
Medium EM Shield Reinforcer I
Medium Thermal Shield Reinforcer I

Acolyte II x1
Infiltrator I x2
Praetor II x2
Praetor II x1

Lead Charge M x4000

Credit to Neo alphaSneo

[Myrmidon, OP Ratting (Drone Squads and Below)]
Medium Armor Repairer II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Medium Armor Repairer II

10MN Afterburner II
Large Cap Battery II
Large Cap Battery II
Cap Recharger II
Denny Enduring Omnidirectional Tracking Link

Auto Targeting System I
[Empty High slot]
[Empty High slot]
[Empty High slot]
Drone Link Augmentor I

Medium Explosive Armor Reinforcer I
Medium Thermal Armor Reinforcer I
Medium Kinetic Armor Reinforcer I

Hornet EC-300 x5
Praetor II x3
Infiltrator I x5
Acolyte II x1

Tracking Speed Script x1
Optimal Range Script x1


Drone Squad

Site 1

Infested Station Ruins

The easy version of the site that doesn't need much skill or preperation.

Steps for Vexors (5 mil/tick)

  1. Warp in at 0
  2. Orbit the structure at 10km or 7500m
  3. Deploy drones
  4. Kill both towers
  5. Kill Cruisers/BC's
  6. Kill BS

Site 2

Drone Structure

Harder site version. However, it has a chance to spawn a commander at the end who has a 9+ million ISK bounty and drops another ~3 million in loot.

If orbiting the Drone Structure is causing you to go beyond your drone control range, or the drones pick up agro because you go too far away from the rats, jettison 1 unit of ammo or something thats cheap above the disc and orbit the can at 10km or less.

Drone Patrol

Version 1

This version of the Anomaly has a large Rock formation with some destroyed ship parts and dysfunctional solar harvesters.

It starts with a single “bait” battleship on grid that will trigger the first wave as soon as any aggressive action is done to it. (Locking will not trigger)

Initial defender Name Wave Trigger?
Battleship1Elite Drone Parasite X

NOTE: The first wave includes 8 Frigates that all have a high chance to scram and web! DISPOSE OF THEM FIRST, then the BSes. This wave will stress your tank the most, you'll need around 300-400 EHP/s.

First Wave Name Wave Trigger? Notes
Frigate8Strain Infestor Alvi, Strain Splinter Alvi, Strain Decimatior Alvi, Strain Render Alvi Scram and Web!
Battleship8Patriarch Alvus, Alvus Creator
Second Wave Name Wave Trigger? Notes
Destroyer2Predator Alvior, Dismantler Alvior
Battleship3Patriarch Alvus
Third Wave Name Wave Trigger? Notes
Frigate6Strain Devilfish Alvi, Strain Hunter Alvi, Strain Sunder Alvi, Strain Raider Alvi
Battleship4Patriarch Alvus, Alvus Creator
Fourth Wave Name Wave Trigger? Notes
Frigate3Strain Devilfish Alvi, Strain Hunter Alvi
Battleship3Patriarch Alvus, Alvus Creator
Fifth Wave Name Wave Trigger? Notes
Cruiser3Atomizer Alvum, Disintegrator Alvum
Battlecruiser2Siege Alvatis, Defeater Alvatis
Battleship5Patriarch Alvus, Alvus Creator

This version of the Anomaly tends to be worth around 30-35 million Isk in bounties, with about 20-22 mil paid out in ticks, and another 11-13 mil paid from ESS Escrow. The Elite Drone Parasite wreck (first battleship on grid) will have loot, typically an Elite Drone AI, which sell for around 1.2-1.5mil.

Version 2

Drone Horde

This is a 10/10 difficulty rating anomaly. There are no standard combat sites which are more difficult than this one.


Vexor Drone Horde Ratting fit. Vexors CAN NOT run patrols reliably and safely. But it CAN run hordes with reasonable safety margins.

[Vexor, OP Horde Ratter (NO PATROLS)]

Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer II
Power Diagnostic System II

100MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Medium Shield Booster II
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Large Compact Pb-Acid Cap Battery

Drone Link Augmentor I
[Empty High slot]
[Empty High slot]
[Empty High slot]

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium EM Shield Reinforcer I
Medium Thermal Shield Reinforcer I

Acolyte II x1
Infiltrator I x2
Praetor II x2

Site Version 1: 4 Towers

This is the ONLY Horde site version Vexors can run.

During the initial wave, you want to keep your booster running as long as there are webbing frigates on grid. After that, you should aim to keep your shields and capacitor at around 50%. Trying to keep your shields at 100% is not realistic, you will drain your cap and cap out! So just aim for 50% as it's enough to handle a wrecking shot or 2.

TIP: Set your shield alert to 45%. If it ever goes off, cycle your booster at least once.

Step by step instructions for 100mn AB Speed-tanking Vexors (10 mil/tick):

  1. Before warping into site, shield hardener on
  2. Warp into the site at 0
  3. Orbit the bunker or object in the middle of the site at 20km ←– Do this FAST or manually fly around the site to keep distance from webbing frigs
  4. Prop mod and shield booster on ←– Do this right after your orbit starts, ASAP
    1. If you started moving then got blasted immediately and dropped to 25% shields or lower, Overheat Your Hardener. You can choose whether to Overheat Your Booster as well.
  5. Lock all Frigates, followed by as many Cruisers as you're skills allow ←– Do this ASAP
  6. Deploy drones, target drones on these Frigate sized rats FIRST. ←– Do this ASAP
    1. It doesn't matter what their name is. As long as they fly this kind of hull, they die first. They have 10KM Web range which WILL KILL YOU as you are speed tanking most of the sites damage potential. They will scram within 20km so keep that in mind if you need to warp out for any reason.
    2. You can safely turn off your booster after all web frigates are dead and you get to around 650m/s in speed. Cycle your booster from now on only when you need to.
  7. Kill Cruisers/BC's
  8. You can semi AFK and let your drones kill the remaining BS
  9. Repeat everything from step 5 onwards for subsequent reinforcement waves.

Site Version 2: Sentry Ring

training/guides/anomaly_ratting.1630766326.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/04 14:38 by 12321Yyh