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Time Dilation

As explained in a dev blog or several TIDI (tye-dye) is a method of allowing a server CPU with a finite compute capability to handle a much larger workload than it would normally be able to by slowing down the rate at which events are allowed to occur.

TIDI has an icon indicating how much time is slowed down. The icon is to the left of the system name on your HUD (todo: get pikshure). When you mouse over the icon it will display a % TIDI number. If it says, for example, 10% TIDI, this means that everything not in the Items NOT affected by TIDI list will be happening 10% slower than normal. This effect is exponential, not linear. To that end, TIDI is capped at 90% as if it ever hit 100% time would stop, and no events would be processed (divide by zero error).

Now, some TIDI time-bending examples: It takes 10 seconds to load ammo into a launcher (Heavy Missile launcher, for example) at 0% TIDI. At:

  • 10% TIDI it will take 11 seconds.
  • 50% TIDI it will take 20 seconds.
  • 90% TIDI it will take 100 seconds.

The actual math is: 'Game Time' / [1 - ('TIDI Factor' / 100)] = Actual wall clock time. where “Game Time” is the time the game says an action should take (10 seconds to load a missile launcher, 10 minutes for a non-bonused Cyno, etc).

Tactical Implications

Usually multiple solar systems share a CPU in the EVE cluster. Therefore, if one solar system is heavily taxes, all solar systems on that CPU will be affected by TIDI. This is why all solar systems within 2-3 jumps of a combat zone are usually, but not always, TIDIed. They tend to all be on the same node.

However, capital ships can jump from beyond 5 jumps away, and might be able to stage in a system unaffected by TIDI. A Cynosural Field lit in a system with 90% TIDI will last for about an hour and a half. Those capitals have an hour or so to stage and jump in during a TIDI battle. This has happened before and does need to be considered. Your enemies, or allies, will have time to stage to help or hurt you.

Alpha Fleet type engagements will be affected as well. Without passive targeters your enemies will have *quite* a bit of warning that they are being locked before they explode. This will give logistics time to react.

Items NOT affected by TIDI

To-do: Add to this list.

  • Anchoring timers for warp disruption spheres.
  • Skill training
training/game_mechanics/time_dilation.1487134179.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/15 04:49 by conscript