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How to make a Courier Contract

This page was Edited by Chris Martinn, who isn't native English speaker. If you see any kind of grammatical mistakes or better sentence, please refer to this forum post and feel free to edit it into better sentence.

Refer to freight beforehand.
We do NOT accept courier contract if its not from/to our official/unofficial route

Issue a contract

1. Go to NeoCom > Business > Contracts.
2. Click Create Contract on the bottom of the window.

3. Like above, check Courier and My Alliance, then click Next
4. Choose your stuff you want to move, on the bottom right there is how fat your stuff are, please remember this number. or maybe write it down somewhere

5. Put destination in “Ship to”, Press Est. price and add 1% of that value on Collateral.
ex) if you had 1,000,000,000 then put 1,010,000,000 as a Collateral.

6. Set Expiration to 1 Week, Days to complete to 3 days.
7. Refer to freight and Calculate your reward, click Next to confirm it twice.
8. Click Finish to complete.

training/freight.1678661951.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/12 22:59 by ZeriShakiel