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services:basehaverstructures [2016/05/29 09:30]
services:basehaverstructures [2017/04/29 01:05]
NTchrist Page moved from corps:dronv:sl1de:services:basehaverstructures to services:basehaverstructures
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-=====Base Haver'​s ​Citadels & IHUB Upgrades=====+{{:​services:​logo_small.png?​direct&​900|}} 
 +=====Vale Inc. Citadels & IHUB Upgrades=====
-**This article is a work in progress and should not be considered factual until it is completed and this notice is removed** +If you intend to plant a citadel of any size or apply an upgrade to one of TEST's ihubs this article can help guide you through the process whether you [[https://​​topic/​86160-vale-inc-citadels-and-ihub-upgrades/​|purchase the structure from us]] or not.
- +
- +
-If you intend to plant a citadel of any size or apply an upgrade to one of TEST's ihubs this article can help guide you through the process whether you purchase the structure from me or not.+
 The individuals responsible for regulating the construction and defense of TEST citadels do not have the time or patience to explain the rules and game mechanics to every linemember with a billion isk to blow on an astrahus. Our logistics team works hard enough without having to fumble over poorly coordinated IHUB upgrades. When you open a dialogue with one of these departments you should already be familiar with the process and be fully prepared for your end of the transaction. The individuals responsible for regulating the construction and defense of TEST citadels do not have the time or patience to explain the rules and game mechanics to every linemember with a billion isk to blow on an astrahus. Our logistics team works hard enough without having to fumble over poorly coordinated IHUB upgrades. When you open a dialogue with one of these departments you should already be familiar with the process and be fully prepared for your end of the transaction.
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 ===Citadels=== ===Citadels===
-  * **All** citadels must be approved by leadership before being anchoredTo get permission speak to an official ​in the jabber room (placeholder@pleaseignore.cominforming them exactly where you wish to place it and what you want to do with it +  * Citadel construction is coordinated between corporation CEOs and TEST commandIf you are one of these people then you already know the proper procedure. If you are not one of these people then you will be approaching either your corp CEO //or//–if you are in B0RT–an alliance ​official, probably Dran Arcana 
-  * You cannot discriminately restrict access to your citadel or disproportionately tax any member of TEST or its allies +  * Dreddit does not anchor and maintain citadels for the sake of individuals within the corporation. The alliance //will// anchor donated citadels & fittings if TEST command ​(Dran Arcana) agrees that the citadel will serve a meaningful purposeFor instance: a medium citadel with 0 services anchored for the sake of creating a safe haven in a stationless system will probably get approved 
-  * Citadels //can// be planeted without permission in systems more than 10 jumps away from the sovereign space of TEST and its allies+  * Personal alt corporations (PACsare not permitted ​to drop citadels in TEST space. Owners of a PAC should follow the same procedure as any Dreddit linemember 
 +  * Citadel broker'​s fees are not a viable source of income. Do not plan on earning a profit from the structure itself 
 +  * Corporations ​cannot discriminately restrict access to your citadel or disproportionately tax any member of TEST or its allies
   * Owning a citadel in one of our systems does not entitle you or your corp any special rights or privileges in the system   * Owning a citadel in one of our systems does not entitle you or your corp any special rights or privileges in the system
-  * The alliance will make sincere effort ​to defend your citadel but you are not entitled to any sort of compensation if it is destroyed +  * Individuals who donate ​citadel ​to the alliance ​are usually granted gunnery roles for it
-  * (Rules regarding station gunning) +
-  * (Rules regarding station management roles)+
 ===Mediums (Astrahus)=== ===Mediums (Astrahus)===
   * These citadels are fairly insubstantial so the rules governing them are less strict. Valid placements for mediums include tactical positions near stargates, refining companions for manufacturing outposts aimed at the undock and safe houses in station-less systems.   * These citadels are fairly insubstantial so the rules governing them are less strict. Valid placements for mediums include tactical positions near stargates, refining companions for manufacturing outposts aimed at the undock and safe houses in station-less systems.
-  * The Dreddit logistics team will never assume responsibility for anchoring or fueling your Citadel. Members of Dreddit looking to anchor a citadel will need to use a [[corps:​personal_alt_corporations|personal alt corp (PAC)]] 
-  * (Rules regarding the vulnerability window for mediums) 
-  * (Rules regarding broker'​s fees) 
 ===Larges (Fortizar)=== ===Larges (Fortizar)===
   * Large Citadels should not be considered a potential source of income for your corporation. Any profit made from broker'​s fees beyond covering the cost of the structure itself may be nationalized by the alliance at any point   * Large Citadels should not be considered a potential source of income for your corporation. Any profit made from broker'​s fees beyond covering the cost of the structure itself may be nationalized by the alliance at any point
-  * Citadels built in TVN-FM or any TEST staging system cannot be used to bypass the designated staging station'​s broker'​s fees 
-  * Personal alt corporations are not permitted to build large citadels in TEST space. Members of Dreddit who want a large built in a specific location can still consult with leadership, if they agree that the plan has strategic merit they may anchor the citadel on your behalf but you will need to cover the cost of the structure. Building large citadels in every system where they might be useful is not a priority to the alliance 
-  * (Rules regarding the vulnerability window for larges) 
 ===XLarges (Keepstar)=== ===XLarges (Keepstar)===
-  * These citadels present a significant potential threat and logistical hassle. If you have the finances and the means to build one then you can attempt to convince leadership that your idea isn't crazy but you should prepared to be disappointed+  * These citadels present a significant potential threat and logistical hassle. If you have the finances and the means to build one then you can attempt to convince leadership that your idea isn't crazy
   * Your XL citadel will become an alliance asset and you will never earn a fraction of its cost back. Consider this undertaking an exercise in altruism   * Your XL citadel will become an alliance asset and you will never earn a fraction of its cost back. Consider this undertaking an exercise in altruism
-  * (Rules regarding the vulnerability window for XLs) 
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 ===IHUB Upgrades=== ===IHUB Upgrades===
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   * You are responsible for seeing that the target system meets the conditions for having the upgrade installed   * You are responsible for seeing that the target system meets the conditions for having the upgrade installed
   * No quantum flux generators are allowed anywhere   * No quantum flux generators are allowed anywhere
-  * Entrapment arrays and survey networks are only permitted in [[http://​​map/​Vale_of_the_Silent/​Z-8Q65,​AZBR-2,​TVN-FM,​WBR5-R,​4GYV-Q,​0MV-4W,​T-GCGL,​V-NL3K,​1-GBBP,​T-ZWA1,​C-FP70,​ZA0L-U,​G96R-F,​Y-ZXIO|these systems]] 
   * The strategic upgrades (advanced logistics network, cynosural navigation and cynosural suppression) are handled by the alliance and will not be installed on your behalf   * The strategic upgrades (advanced logistics network, cynosural navigation and cynosural suppression) are handled by the alliance and will not be installed on your behalf
-  * [[corps:​personal_alt_corporations#​Special Rules: Citadels|PAC Citadel Rules]] 
-  * (a thread or official wiki page that states the rules for citadels) 
-  * (a thread of official wiki page on the rules for IHUBS) 
 \\ \\
 ====#2 The Structures==== ====#2 The Structures====
 ===Citadels=== ===Citadels===
 ^ Citadel ^ Characteristics ^ ^ Citadel ^ Characteristics ^
-^Astrahus (Medium) \\ {{:​services:​icon_astrahus.png?​direct|}} |* Houses subcapitals,​ freighters, jump freighters and rorquals \\ * Supports cloning and refining services \\ * Lightly regulated \\ * 4 highslots, 4 midslots, 3 lowslots \\ * 1,​100,​000,​000 - 1,300,000,000 isk unfitted \\ * +900,​000,​000 - 1,250,000 isk for a combat fit | +^Astrahus (Medium) \\ {{:​services:​icon_astrahus.png?​direct|}} |* Houses subcapitals,​ freighters, jump freighters and rorquals \\ * Supports cloning and refining services \\ * Lightly regulated \\ * 4 highslots, 4 midslots, 3 lowslots \\ * 1,​100,​000,​000 - 1,400,000,000 isk unfitted \\ * +900,​000,​000 - 1,250,000 isk for a combat fit | 
-^Fortizar (Large) \\ {{:​services:​icon_fortizar.png?​direct|}} |* Houses all subcapitals and capitals \\ * Supports cloning, refining and market services \\ * Heavily regulated \\ * 6 highslots, 5 midslots, 4 lowslots \\ * 16,​000,​000,​000 - 25,​000,​000,​000 isk unfitted \\ * +2,​800,​000,​000 - 3,​300,​000,​000 for a combat fit | +^Fortizar (Large) \\ {{:​services:​icon_fortizar.png?​direct|}} |* Houses all subcapitals and capitals \\ * Supports cloning, refining and market services \\ * Heavily regulated \\ * 6 highslots, 5 midslots, 4 lowslots \\ * 12,​000,​000,​000 - 16,​000,​000,​000 isk unfitted \\ * +2,​800,​000,​000 - 3,​300,​000,​000 for a combat fit | 
-^Keepstar (XLarge) \\ {{:​services:​icon_keepstar.png?​direct|}} |* Houses all ships including supercapitals \\ * Supports cloning, refining and market services \\ * Oppressively regulated \\ * 8 highslots, 6 midslots, 5 lowslots \\ * 290,​000,​000,​000 - 350,​000,​000,​000 isk unfitted \\ * Baller AF |+^Keepstar (XLarge) \\ {{:​services:​icon_keepstar.png?​direct|}} |* Houses all ships including supercapitals \\ * Supports cloning, refining and market services \\ * Oppressively regulated \\ * 8 highslots, 6 midslots, 5 lowslots \\ * 290,​000,​000,​000 - 330,​000,​000,​000 isk unfitted \\ * Baller AF |
 ^ Service Module ^ Characteristics ^ ^ Service Module ^ Characteristics ^
-^{{:​services:​icon_service_cloning.png?​direct|}} Cloning Center |* 325,000,000 - 375,000,000 isk \\ * Consumes 720 fuel blocks when onlined and another 10 blocks per hour as long as the service is active \\ * Can hold an unlimited # of clones per character \\ * Swapping between 2 clones inside a citadel does not inflict the JC cooldown | +^{{:​services:​icon_service_cloning.png?​direct|}} Cloning Center |* 300,000,000 - 340,000,000 isk \\ * Consumes 720 fuel blocks when onlined and another 10 blocks per hour as long as the service is active \\ * Can hold an unlimited # of clones per character \\ * Swapping between 2 clones inside a citadel does not inflict the JC cooldown | 
-^{{:​services:​icon_service_market.png?​direct|}} Market Hub |* 1,300,000,000 - 1,600,000,000 isk \\ * Consumes 2880 fuel blocks when onlined and another 40 blocks per hour as long as the service is active \\ * Can only be fit to a L or XL citadel \\ * Broker'​s fees are configured by the owner | +^{{:​services:​icon_service_market.png?​direct|}} Market Hub |* 1,250,000,000 - 1,500,000,000 isk \\ * Consumes 2880 fuel blocks when onlined and another 40 blocks per hour as long as the service is active \\ * Can only be fit to a L or XL citadel \\ * Broker'​s fees are configured by the owner | 
-^{{:​services:​icon_service_reprocessing.png?​direct|}} Reprocessing Facility |* 40,000,000 - 60,000,000 isk \\ * Consumes 360 fuel blocks when onlined and another 5 blocks per hour as long as the service is active \\ * Requires expensive rigs for decent refine %s. 58.24% @ T1 and 60.48% @ T2 |+^{{:​services:​icon_service_reprocessing.png?​direct|}} Reprocessing Facility |* 33,000,000 - 45,000,000 isk \\ * Consumes 360 fuel blocks when onlined and another 5 blocks per hour as long as the service is active \\ * Requires expensive rigs for decent refine %s. 58.24% @ T1 and 60.48% @ T2 |
 ===IHUB upgrades=== ===IHUB upgrades===
 Each type of IHUB upgrade have 5 "​levels."​ Each level is a unique structure that must be installed on the IHUB in sequence to access increasingly potent benefits in the system. In every case it is considered wise to install all 5 levels as the majority of an upgrade'​s benefits are unlocked by the final, most expensive upgrade. Prices are listed for full sets of 5 levels but individual levels can be purchased as well by request. Each type of IHUB upgrade have 5 "​levels."​ Each level is a unique structure that must be installed on the IHUB in sequence to access increasingly potent benefits in the system. In every case it is considered wise to install all 5 levels as the majority of an upgrade'​s benefits are unlocked by the final, most expensive upgrade. Prices are listed for full sets of 5 levels but individual levels can be purchased as well by request.
-^{{:​services:​icon_ihub_pirate_detection_array.png?​direct|}} Pirate Detection Array |* 1,300,000,000 isk+ for a full set \\ * Drastically increases the # of [[training:​guides:​guide_to_making_isk_in_nullsec#​Cosmic Anomalies|cosmic anomalies]] in the system \\ * The system'​s military index must be ≥ the level of the upgrade for installation | +^{{:​services:​icon_ihub_pirate_detection_array.png?​direct|}} Pirate Detection Array |* 1,500,000,000 isk+ for a full set \\ * Drastically increases the # of [[training:​guides:​guide_to_making_isk_in_nullsec#​Cosmic Anomalies|cosmic anomalies]] in the system \\ * The system'​s military index must be ≥ the level of the upgrade for installation | 
-^{{:​services:​icon_ihub_entrapment_array.png?​direct|}} Entrapment Array |* 2,200,000,000 isk+ for a full set \\ * Attracts ​[[training:​guides:​guide_to_making_isk_in_nullsec#​DED Complexes and Escallations|DED complex]] spawns to the upgraded system over other systems in the region \\ * Only allowed in [[http://​​map/​Vale_of_the_Silent/​Z-8Q65,​AZBR-2,​TVN-FM,​WBR5-R,​4GYV-Q,​0MV-4W,​T-GCGL,​V-NL3K,​1-GBBP,​T-ZWA1,​C-FP70,​ZA0L-U,​G96R-F,​Y-ZXIO|certain systems]] within the "​escalation corridor" ​\\ * The system'​s military index must be ≥ the level of the upgrade for installation | +^{{:​services:​icon_ihub_entrapment_array.png?​direct|}} Entrapment Array |* 2,400,000,000 isk+ for a full set \\ * Theoretically attracts ​[[training:​guides:​guide_to_making_isk_in_nullsec#​DED Complexes and Escallations|DED complex]] spawns to the upgraded system over other systems in the region \\ * Has not been proven to have any real effect ​\\ * The system'​s military index must be ≥ the level of the upgrade for installation | 
-^{{:​services:​icon_ihub_ore_prospecting_array.png?​direct|}} Ore Prospecting Array |* 900,000,000 isk+ for a full set \\ * Drastically increases the # of gravimetric (mining) sites in the system \\ * The system'​s industry index must be ≥ the level of the upgrade for installation | +^{{:​services:​icon_ihub_ore_prospecting_array.png?​direct|}} Ore Prospecting Array |* 1,050,000,000 isk+ for a full set \\ * Drastically increases the # of gravimetric (mining) sites in the system \\ * The system'​s industry index must be ≥ the level of the upgrade for installation | 
-^{{:​services:​icon_ihub_survey_networks.png?​direct|}} Survey Networks |* 1,100,000,000 isk+ for a full set \\ * Increases the # of [[training:​guides:​guide_to_making_isk_in_nullsec#​Exploration|relic and date sites]] in the system \\ The system'​s industry index must be ≥ the level of the upgrade for installation |+^{{:​services:​icon_ihub_survey_networks.png?​direct|}} Survey Networks |* 1,300,000,000 isk+ for a full set \\ * Increases the # of [[training:​guides:​guide_to_making_isk_in_nullsec#​Exploration|relic and date sites]] in the system \\ The system'​s industry index must be ≥ the level of the upgrade for installation |
 ^{{:​services:​icon_ihub_quantum_flux_generator.png?​direct|}} Quantum Flux Generator |Not permitted in TEST space | ^{{:​services:​icon_ihub_quantum_flux_generator.png?​direct|}} Quantum Flux Generator |Not permitted in TEST space |
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   - Have the citadel and its modules moved to a station close to the target system   - Have the citadel and its modules moved to a station close to the target system
   - Contact an individual in your corp with the //Config Starbase Equipment// role who can fly a large enough ship to deploy the structure. Medium Citadels fit in any industrial, Larges fit in rorquals and jump freighters, XLarges only fit in a freighter   - Contact an individual in your corp with the //Config Starbase Equipment// role who can fly a large enough ship to deploy the structure. Medium Citadels fit in any industrial, Larges fit in rorquals and jump freighters, XLarges only fit in a freighter
-  - Tell the person deploying the citadel exactly where you were permitted to place it and what celestial object you want the undock to point at. He may need to be reminded what the appointed vulnerability window for the structure is +  - Tell the person deploying the citadel exactly where you were permitted to place it and what celestial object you want the undock to point at. He may need to be reminded what the appointed vulnerability window for the structure is (it is usually between 0:00 and 4:00 eve time.) 
-  - Since a citadel is vulnerable for 15 minutes at the end of its 24 hour anchoring cycle you should have it deployed at exactly ​0:00 EVE time or another time as appointed by high command +  - Since a citadel is vulnerable for 15 minutes at the end of its 24 hour anchoring cycle you should have it deployed at exactly ​1:00 EVE time or another time as appointed by high command 
-  - If your corp or high command did not find it necessary to arrange a fleet to defend your citadel ahead of time you will need to observe your citadel at the end of its 24 anchoring cycle to ensure a hostile fleet doesn'​t come to destroy it during the 15 minute vulnerability window. Watch the intel channel (Lift_The_Vale) and if a fleet capable of posing a threat to your citadel enters our territory immediately inform ​an FC in (JABBER ROOM) on jabber +  - If your corp or high command did not find it necessary to arrange a fleet to defend your citadel ahead of time you will need to observe your citadel at the end of its 24 anchoring cycle to ensure a hostile fleet doesn'​t come to destroy it during the 15 minute vulnerability window. Watch the intel channel (Lift_The_Vale) and if a fleet capable of posing a threat to your citadel enters our territory immediately inform ​somebody important ​on jabber. 
-  - Paying for a citadel doesn'​t necessarily entitle you to the roles for managing it. You may need to find someone in your corp with (APPROPRIATE ROLE) role to configure your citadel and fit it the way you want after the 15 minute vulnerability window expires +  - Paying for a citadel doesn'​t necessarily entitle you to the roles for managing it. You may need to find someone in your corp with roles to configure your citadel and fit it the way you want after the 15 minute vulnerability window expires 
-  - You're all set at this point. If your citadel has any services running you will need to ensure that it is adequately fueled. If your citadel gets reinforced and nobody notices bring it up in (JABBER ROOM) and keep an eye on it when it comes out+  - You're all set at this point. If your citadel has any services running you will need to ensure that it is adequately fueled. If your citadel gets reinforced and nobody notices bring it up in the diplo-office jabber room and keep an eye on it when it comes out
 ===IHUB Upgrades=== ===IHUB Upgrades===
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 \\ \\
   - The target system'​s military or industry index needs to be upgraded to the same level as the upgrade you are installing. For example, in order to install Pirate Detection Array 4 the system needs a military index of at least 4 (like the example shown to the right.) It is acceptable to request logistics install the upgrades in stages, adding new upgrades as you grind up the index   - The target system'​s military or industry index needs to be upgraded to the same level as the upgrade you are installing. For example, in order to install Pirate Detection Array 4 the system needs a military index of at least 4 (like the example shown to the right.) It is acceptable to request logistics install the upgrades in stages, adding new upgrades as you grind up the index
-  - Have the upgrades moved to a station close to the target system. Level 1 and 2 upgrades can be moved in a blockade runner. The other levels should be transported in a rorqual or a jump freighter +  - Have the upgrades moved to a station close to the target system. Level 1 and 2 upgrades can be moved in a blockade runner. The other levels should be transported in a deep space transport, ​a rorqual or a jump freighter 
-  - When the system is ready and the upgrades are nearby contact TEST logistics ​through (METHODS) ​to have them install the upgrade. If they do not install the upgrade on the day you request it (they should) make sure the index doesn'​t decay below the threshold+  - When the system is ready and the upgrades are nearby contact TEST logistics to have them install the upgrade. If they do not install the upgrade on the day you request it (they should) make sure the index doesn'​t decay below the threshold
   - Once the upgrade is installed no further action is required, it will remain until the IHUB is destroyed. The alliance will always make an effort to save a reinforced IHUB but if it is destroyed you will not be compensated for any upgrades you paid to have installed   - Once the upgrade is installed no further action is required, it will remain until the IHUB is destroyed. The alliance will always make an effort to save a reinforced IHUB but if it is destroyed you will not be compensated for any upgrades you paid to have installed
 ====#4 The Store==== ====#4 The Store====
-//Base Haver'​s Citadels & Upgrades// can beat any price in EVE and will mercilessly undercut any competition. We are paired with [[https://​​topic/​82133-base-havers-pi-training-purchasing-sales-cartel-vale-of-the-silent-edition/​|the PI service of the same name]] which provides a reliable source of materials for construction and keeps profits in the hands of TEST membership.+[[​|Vale Incorporated]] ​can beat any price in EVE and will mercilessly undercut any competition. We are paired with [[https://​​topic/​82133-base-havers-pi-training-purchasing-sales-cartel-vale-of-the-silent-edition/​|the PI service of the same name]] which provides a reliable source of materials for construction and keeps profits in the hands of TEST membership.
 To place an order with us simply contact Base Haver on jabber ([email protected]) and tell him what you want. Build times vary depending on shortages and demand or we may already have your item in stock! To place an order with us simply contact Base Haver on jabber ([email protected]) and tell him what you want. Build times vary depending on shortages and demand or we may already have your item in stock!
-//Base Haver'​s Citadels & Upgrades// can deliver your structure to the outpost in any of these systems:+//Vale Inc.// can deliver your structure to the outpost in any of [[http://​​map/​Vale_of_the_Silent/​TVN-FM,​K8X-6B,​N-HSK0,​7-UH4Z,​4GYV-Q,​V-NL3K,​T-ZWA1,​Y-ZXIO,​MC6O-F,​IFJ-EL,​WH-JCA,​C-FP70|these systems]]: 
 +  * [[http://​​map/​Vale_of_the_Silent/​IFJ-EL|IFJ-EL]]
   * [[http://​​map/​Vale_of_the_Silent/​K8X-6B|K8X-6B]]   * [[http://​​map/​Vale_of_the_Silent/​K8X-6B|K8X-6B]]
   * [[http://​​map/​Vale_of_the_Silent/​N-HSK0|N-HSK0]]   * [[http://​​map/​Vale_of_the_Silent/​N-HSK0|N-HSK0]]
   * [[http://​​map/​Vale_of_the_Silent/​7-UH4Z|7-UH4Z]]   * [[http://​​map/​Vale_of_the_Silent/​7-UH4Z|7-UH4Z]]
   * [[http://​​map/​Vale_of_the_Silent/​4GYV-Q|4GYV-Q]]   * [[http://​​map/​Vale_of_the_Silent/​4GYV-Q|4GYV-Q]]
 +  * [[http://​​map/​Vale_of_the_Silent/​MC6O-F|MC6O-F]]
 +  * [[http://​​map/​Vale_of_the_Silent/​WH-JCA|WH-JCA]]
   * [[http://​​map/​Vale_of_the_Silent/​TVN-FM|TVN-FM]]   * [[http://​​map/​Vale_of_the_Silent/​TVN-FM|TVN-FM]]
   * [[http://​​map/​Vale_of_the_Silent/​V-NL3K|V-NL3K]]   * [[http://​​map/​Vale_of_the_Silent/​V-NL3K|V-NL3K]]
   * [[http://​​map/​Vale_of_the_Silent/​T-ZWA1|T-ZWA1]]   * [[http://​​map/​Vale_of_the_Silent/​T-ZWA1|T-ZWA1]]
 +  * [[http://​​map/​Vale_of_the_Silent/​C-FP70|C-FP70]]
   * [[http://​​map/​Vale_of_the_Silent/​Y-ZXIO|Y-ZXIO]]   * [[http://​​map/​Vale_of_the_Silent/​Y-ZXIO|Y-ZXIO]]
 Delivery fees: Delivery fees:
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 ===Down Payments=== ===Down Payments===
-We do not require you to make a down payment for anything smaller than a large citadel (fortizar) unless you ask for something bizarre like 10 of each Entrapment Array upgrade. The down payment for a large citadel is 50%. Keepstars are financed gradually throughout ​the process. +We do not require you to make a down payment for anything smaller than a large citadel (fortizar) unless you ask for something bizarre like 10 of each Entrapment Array upgrade. The down payment for a large citadel is 50%. Keepstars are financed gradually throughout ​their construction.
- +
-===Small Orders=== +
-We do not service orders smaller than 1 billion isk.+
 ^ Structure ^ Current Estimated Price (isk) ^ Build Time ^ ^ Structure ^ Current Estimated Price (isk) ^ Build Time ^
-^ M Citadel (Astrahus) | 1,200,000,000 | 2 days | +^ M Citadel (Astrahus) | 1,250,000,000 | 2 days | 
-^ L Citadel (Fortizar) | 16,500,​000,​000 ​ | 12 days | +^ L Citadel (Fortizar) | 14,000,​000,​000 ​ | 12 days | 
-^ XL Citadel (Keepstar) | 310,​000,​000,​000 | 110 days | +^ XL Citadel (Keepstar) | 300,​000,​000,​000 | 110 days | 
-^ Pirate Detection Array set | 1,350,000,000 | 2 days | +^ Pirate Detection Array set | 1,525,000,000 | 2 days | 
-^ Entrapment Array set | 2,200,000,000 | 2 days | +^ Entrapment Array set | 2,450,000,000 | 2 days | 
-^ Ore Prospecting Array set | 950,000,000 | 2 days | +^ Ore Prospecting Array set | 1,100,000,000 | 2 days | 
-^ Survey Networks set | 1,150,000,000 | 2 days |+^ Survey Networks set | 1,325,000,000 | 2 days |
 ^ Module ^ Current Estimated Price (isk) ^ Build Time ^ ^ Module ^ Current Estimated Price (isk) ^ Build Time ^
-^ Cloning Center I | 320,000,000 | 2 days | +^ Cloning Center I | 300,000,000 | 2 days | 
-^ Market Hub I | 1,400,000,000 | 2 days | +^ Market Hub I | 1,350,000,000 | 2 days | 
-^ Reprocessing Array I | 36,000,000 | 2 days | +^ Reprocessing Array I | 33,000,000 | 2 days | 
-^ Structure Anticapital Launcher I | 44,000,000 | 2 days | +^ Structure Anticapital Launcher I | 46,000,000 | 2 days | 
-^ Structure Antisubcapital Launcher I | 44,000,000 | 2 days |+^ Structure Antisubcapital Launcher I | 46,000,000 | 2 days |
 ^ Ballistic Control System I | 9,000,000 | 2 days | ^ Ballistic Control System I | 9,000,000 | 2 days |
 ^ Missile Guidance Enhancer I | 9,000,000 | 2 days | ^ Missile Guidance Enhancer I | 9,000,000 | 2 days |
-^ Arcing Vorton Projector I | 1,500,000,000 | 2 days | +^ Arcing Vorton Projector I | 1,600,000,000 | 2 days | 
-^ Guided Bomb Launcher I | 135,000,000 | 2 days | +^ Guided Bomb Launcher I | 140,000,000 | 2 days | 
-^ Variable Spectrum ECM I | 28,000,000 | 2 days | +^ Variable Spectrum ECM I | 29,000,000 | 2 days | 
-^ Remote Sensor Dampener I | 28,000,000 | 2 days | +^ Remote Sensor Dampener I | 29,000,000 | 2 days | 
-^ Stasis Webifier I | 28,000,000 | 2 days | +^ Stasis Webifier I | 29,000,000 | 2 days | 
-^ Target Painter I | 28,000,000 | 2 days | +^ Target Painter I | 29,000,000 | 2 days | 
-^ Weapon Disruptor I | 28,000,000 | 2 days | +^ Weapon Disruptor I | 29,000,000 | 2 days | 
-^ Warp Scrambler I | 28,000,000 | 2 days |+^ Warp Scrambler I | 29,000,000 | 2 days |
 ^ Co-Processor Array I | 9,000,000 | 2 days | ^ Co-Processor Array I | 9,000,000 | 2 days |
 ^ Signal Amplifier I | 9,000,000 | 2 days | ^ Signal Amplifier I | 9,000,000 | 2 days |
-^ Heavy Energy Neutralizer I | 75,000,000 | 2 days | +^ Heavy Energy Neutralizer I | 78,000,000 | 2 days | 
-^ XL Energy Neutralizer I | 75,000,000 | 2 days | +^ XL Energy Neutralizer I | 78,000,000 | 2 days | 
-^ Point Defense Battery I | 140,000,000 | 2 days |+^ Point Defense Battery I | 150,000,000 | 2 days |
 ^ Reactor Control Unit I | 9,000,000 | 2 days | ^ Reactor Control Unit I | 9,000,000 | 2 days |
 +Citadel modules can usually be found for sale on the TVN-FM market.
services/basehaverstructures.txt · Last modified: 2017/04/29 01:05 by NTchrist