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Athina's Center for Kids Who Can't Record Good

Footage for hype/cinematic videos requires an extra bit of care and ~effort~ to capture something that looks good. This guide covers game settings, controls, and basic filmmaking/cinematic camera techniques that can be replicated in game to produce good looking footage.

Game Settings

The first game setting to look at is the mouse sensitivity and inertia. these can be found in the Escape menu: Esc>Camera tab>Camera Settings.

Sensitivity determines the speed at which the cursor moves during mouse movement (the number of pixels it traverses during any given mouse movement). Inertia determines the stiffness of movement. Inertia is the tendency of an object in motion to stay in motion. In EVE's camera settings, it affects how stiff or smooth the camera control is. (A setting closer to “smooth” means a camera motion will continue and gradually come to a stop after you stop moving your mouse - a “stiff” setting will make the camera movement stop faster after you stop moving your mouse).

Typically, we want Sensitivity to be set to a slow value, and Inertia to be set to a smooth value. This means that the camera takes more mouse movement to rotate, and the smooth inertia prevents natural hand jitter from significantly disrupting the velocity of the camera (if you don't think your hand jitters, try turning the sensitivity and inertia to fast and stiff values - you'll see how unsmooth your hand movement really is).

For a reference, I would suggest starting at a sensitivity value of 0.4-0.5, and matching the inertia slider to the same position. Then adjust from there based on your preference.

Additionally, I recommend having Camera Bobbing ticked ON. While it may not be ideal for normal gameplay, the bobbing can give a bit of controlled “life” to your camera for capturing footage.

Camera Shake can go either way - with camera shake ON, you will get nice dynamic, attention-grabbing snaps of movement in your camera on missile hits - however this can also be disruptive when attempting to get a more controlled, smoother shot.

Game Controls

All three camera modes have their own uses for capturing footage: Tactical Camera (default key: alt+1), Orbital Camera (default key: alt+2), and First Person Camera (default: alt+3).

Orbital Camera

This is the setting most people default to playing in, and offers the most simple controls without significantly restricting view like the First Person camera.

  • LMB + Drag - rotates/spins camera around ship (or current camera target). (camera term: truck)
  • RMB + Drag - turns the camera at its current position. (camera term: pan(left/right), tilt(up/down))
  • LMB+RMB + DRAG - camera zoom in/out from forward/backward mouse movement. (camera term: zoom)
  • Scroll wheel up/down - moves camera closer/away from ship (or current camera target). (camera term: dolly)
  • C + LMB(on an object) - camera points to and focuses on selected object from current position.
  • RMB(on an object) + “Look At” - moves the orbital camera to focus on a new object or ship.
    • When using “look at” on something that is moving while Dynamic Camera Movement is ticked ON, the camera will stay where it lands and then track the target. Holding LMB will stop the tracking and keep the camera moving with the ship as normal, and RMB can be used as normal to pan, tilt, and zoom. When Dynbamic Camera Movement is OFF, the camera will behave normally as it would on your own ship.

Tactical Camera

This camera can behave as a free-floating camera, unlike the orbital camera which is attached to a ship or object at all times. It's only downside is that it does not have the ability to “lens zoom” like the orbital camera.

  • RMB + Drag - DETACHES camera from current focus, dragging around as long as RMB is held.
  • LMB + Drag - same as orbital when attached. When DETACHED, pans and tilts in place (like RMB+Drag of the orbital camera).
  • LMB+RMB + DRAG - moves camera closer/away when attached. When DETACHED, moves camera forward/backward along camera-pointing axis.
  • Scroll wheel up/down - moves camera closer/away when attached. When DETACHED, moves camera forward/backward along cursor pointing axis.
  • C + LMB(on an object) - attaches camera to selected object.
  • RMB(on an object) + “Look At” - attaches camera to selected object.


propaganda/cinematic_capture_guide.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/01 19:10 by Croveski