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Rough Chinese-English translation guide for FCs working with Chinese players or FCs.


级 (Ji) means Rank/Tier/class/level. Prounounced “Jee”.

船 (Chuan) means ship/boat/vessel. Pronounced “Chuan”

旗舰 (Qíjiàn) means flagship; Carriers, FAX, Titans, Supercarriers, Dreadnoughts, Capital Industrial ships. Pronounced “Chee Jian”

<font 14px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>Ships</font>

Small ship - 小船 - Xiǎochuán

Literal translation - Small ship.

Rough English pronounciation - Shao Tran

Interceptor - 截击舰 - Jiéjí jiàn

Translation - Interceptor

Pronounciation - Jeh-gee jian

Stealth ship/recon with stealth - 隐形特勤舰 - Yǐnxíng tèqín jiàn

Translation - Special insibility/stealth ship.

Pronounciation - Yingsing Tersing Jian

Short pronounciation - Yingsing Jian

Carrier - 航空母舰 - Hángkōngmǔjiàn

Literal translation - Aircraft carrier

Rough English pronounciation - Han Kong Moo Jan

As the translation is needlessly long, consider using the slang/shortened version below:

Shortened Carrier - 母舰 - Mǔjiàn

Shortened Literal translation - Mothership/depot ship.

Shortened Rough English pronounciation - Moo Jian.

Dreadnought - 无畏 (级) - Wúwèi (Ji)

Translation - Dreadnought (rank/class/tier/designation).

Literal translation - Fearless (rank/class/tier/designation).

Rough English pronounciation - Woo way jee.

Supercarrier - 超级航母 - Chāojí hángmǔ

Translation - Super aircraft carrier.

Rough English pronounciation - chow jee han moo

Shortened Supercarrier - 超级母 - Chāojí mǔ

Shortened Translation - Super Mother

Shortened Rough English pronounciation - chow jee moo

Titan - 神使级 - Shén shǐ (ji)

Translation - God level ship.

Rough English pronounciation - Shen shh

Alternative: 泰坦 - Tàitǎn

Alternative Rough English pronounciation - Hai tan/Tie tan

Force Auxillary ship - 战力辅助舰 - Zhàn lì fǔzhù jiàn.

Translation - Combat assistance ship/Auxillary warship.

Rough prounciation - jian lee foo joo jian

playground/playground_translate.1570818403.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/10/11 18:26 by Val_akesson