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it:mumble [2022/01/20 15:59]
chiaki [Who hears what] Imaging resizing
it:mumble [2024/07/01 01:05] (current)
Koleslaw changed mumble link
Line 25: Line 25:
 |While you're logged into auth, on the "Your Profile"​ page, click the “Add Service” button at the bottom.|{{:​it:​apply_minder2_01.png?​nolink&​100}}| |While you're logged into auth, on the "Your Profile"​ page, click the “Add Service” button at the bottom.|{{:​it:​apply_minder2_01.png?​nolink&​100}}|
 |Select “Mumble (Minder2)” as the service to add, and enter a password. \\ Then click “Add Service”.|{{:​it:​apply_minder2_02.png?​nolink&​600}}| |Select “Mumble (Minder2)” as the service to add, and enter a password. \\ Then click “Add Service”.|{{:​it:​apply_minder2_02.png?​nolink&​600}}|
-|Download and install Mumble (the latest stable release is recommended. If you're on Debian apt-get install mumble). \\  [[​wiki/Main_Page#​Download_Mumble|​wiki/Main_Page#​Download_Mumble]] \\   ​\\ ​ Step through the setup wizard and create a certificate (the defaults are fine). \\  At the end of the Minder2 setup you were given a link called the "​Service URL"​.|{{:​it:​apply_minder2_03.png?​nolink&​600}}|+|Download and install Mumble (the latest stable release is recommended. If you're on Debian apt-get install mumble). \\  [[​downloads/|​downloads/]] \\   ​\\ ​ Step through the setup wizard and create a certificate (the defaults are fine). \\  At the end of the Minder2 setup you were given a link called the "​Service URL"​.|{{:​it:​apply_minder2_03.png?​nolink&​600}}|
 |This link will also show up in the "Your Profile"​ page next to the "​Mumble (Minder2)"​ service. Clicking this link will take you to the Minder service page.|{{:​it:​apply_minder2_04.png?​nolink&​600}}| |This link will also show up in the "Your Profile"​ page next to the "​Mumble (Minder2)"​ service. Clicking this link will take you to the Minder service page.|{{:​it:​apply_minder2_04.png?​nolink&​600}}|
 |Here are the currently available servers available to TEST pilots. Click on "​Connect"​ for the "Main Server"​ mumble service. \\ Your browser will likely ask you if you'd like to launch Mumble (even if it's already open); click to open Mumble.|{{:​it:​apply_minder2_05.png?​nolink&​600}}| |Here are the currently available servers available to TEST pilots. Click on "​Connect"​ for the "Main Server"​ mumble service. \\ Your browser will likely ask you if you'd like to launch Mumble (even if it's already open); click to open Mumble.|{{:​it:​apply_minder2_05.png?​nolink&​600}}|
it/mumble.1642694372.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/01/20 15:59 by chiaki