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Unwanted Wormholes

Most of the time, your static exit(s) to either K-space or another W-space system will be the only exit, and that is what you count on. It keeps you safe, It keeps things predictable. But W-space is far from being predictable. Very often a wormhole will open up in the system, an incoming wormhole, that you wish wasn't there. It might give you some opportunities, but It might as well bring trouble. How to handle these wormholes, how to take control over the traffic in a system and how to close unwanted wormholes? Well, let me explain:

Rolling A Wormhole

Remember how I told you to keep track of the signature ID's in the system? Well, this is how you find out if there's a new incoming wormhole. You scan your system and find a signature ID that wasn't there before, it shows up as an unknown, and later it turns out to be a wormhole. We don't want that. We want it gone, and now. This is what you need to do to close it:

  • Jump to the other side, check for hostiles, and check the ID of the wormhole on the other side. For example it might be C427
  • Check the mass remaining on the wormhole (is it critical? what does the description say?). Jump back
  • Check the Wormhole ID for its maximum mass restrictions
  • Do the math

Now you know what kind of wormhole you are dealing with, and you know the max mass that can go through it before it crashes. Well, if the wormhole is not in critical mass stage yet, there's a good chance that you are able to close it. What you need to do is take some heavy ships, preferably Battleships and/or Battlecruisers, and start jumping them back and forward, keeping an eye on the status of mass of the wormhole. Keep one battleship on the far side while doing this. In this example it's a C427 Wormhole which, at it's critical state, (about 10% of total mass limit) allows to jump another 100.000 tons of mass. That's one battleship worth of mass. Keep track of the number of ships you've jumped through so far (jump one at a time), and as soon as it gets into Critical stage, jump back the battleship from the far side. If you've done everything right, the unwanted wormhole should close.

Taking control over the exits, maintaining the system clear of incoming wormholes by successfully closing each unwanted wormhole is the key to safety in W-Space. You need to be aware that each wormhole that you leave opened, and not use yourself, is a potential threat, and might eventually get you (and your corp members) killed.

eve/wormholes/wormhole_rolling_wormholes.1486575917.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/08 17:45 by conscript