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Outposts are space stations built by alliances of capsuleers in their sovereign 0.0 space. The building of an outpost is one of the pinnacles of manufacturing and logistical prowess, comparable in scope to building a Titan supercapital. While they do not have as many facilities as a regular station located in empire space, Outposts are a major upgrade from running operations out of a collection of starbases.

At the present time, there are four types of outposts available; Factory Outpost, Research Outpost, Gallente Administration Outpost, Service Outpost. All Outposts provide the Market, Science & Industry, Repair Shop, Medical, Ship Fitting, Bounty Office and Insurance Office services, in addition to faction to their unique faction specialisations.

Types of Outpost

Amarr Factory Outpost

  • Corporation offices: 4
  • Manufacturing (booster/other) slots: 10/20
  • 30% bonus on manufacturing time
  • Research (ME / PE / Copy / Invention) slots: 1/1/1/0

Outpost specific upgrades:

  • up to 38 additional manufacturing slots & faster T1 or T2 ship manufacturing
  • up to 16 additional research slots & a speedup of production efficiency research
  • up to 26 additional corporation office slots
  • add on a 30% refinery

Caldari Research Outpost

  • Corporation offices: 8
  • Manufacturing (booster/other) slots: 5/2
  • Research (ME / PE / Copy / Invention) slots: 10/10/10/10
  • 30% bonus to research time

Outpost specific upgrades:

  • up to 26 additional manufacturing slots & faster T2 component manufacturing
  • up to 34 additional research slots & a speedup of blueprint copying, material and production efficiency research
  • alternatively up to 34 additional invention slots & a speedup of invention
  • up to 26 additional corporation office slots
  • add on a 30% refinery

Gallente Administrative Outpost

  • Corporation offices: 24
  • Manufacturing (booster/other) slots: 10/4
  • Research (ME / PE / Copy / Invention) slots: 2/2/1/1

Outpost specific upgrades:

  • up to 26 additional manufacturing slots or a speedup of capital component manufacture
  • up to 16 additional research slots & a speedup of blueprint copying
  • up to 38 additional corporation office slots
  • add on a 30% refinery

Minmatar Service Outpost

  • Corporation offices: 6
  • Manufacturing (booster/other) slots: 0/2
  • Research (ME / PE / Copy / Invention) slots: 0/0/0/0
  • Reprocessing Plant from 35% to < 2% waste depending on skills

Outpost specific upgrades:

  • up to 26 additional manufacturing slots or a speedup of module manufacturing
  • up to 16 additional research slots & a speedup of material efficiency research
  • up to 26 additional corporation office slots
  • upgrade the refinery to 50%

For further information on each of these, please read their descriptions found on the ingame market.

Creating an Outpost

To start with, you will need the appropriate skills.

  • Mechanic V
  • Industry V
  • Anchoring V
    • Outpost Construction I

An Outpost Construction Platform blueprint need to be purchased that corresponds to the outpost you want to build. Blueprint originals can be purchased from the source for 1.8 billion isk, or blueprint copies can be obtained for significantly less from other capsuleers.

The construction platform is built out of smaller components. You'll need to purchase these off the market.

Example of manufacturing requirements.

Minmatar Service Outpost Platform

ComponentQty (perfect)Price per
Station Construction Parts1120.2M
Station Hangar Array1135.4M
Station Storage Bay1120.2M
Station Factory2283.5M
Station Repair Facility1186M
Station Reprocessing Plant11086.1M
Station Docking Bay1176M
Station Medical Center1150.6M
Station Office Center8879.9M
Station Mission Network1165.2M

Total price:

Once you have assembled the Outpost Construction Platform in your manufacturing station of choice, you need to haul the platform to the system. It is quite large so you will need a freighter to do this. Fuelling the outpost requires millions of m3 worth of minerals and components, and as such a freighter is recommended for this task as well.

Deploying an Outpost

To deploy an outpost, you need to be in an alliance and have sovereignty over the system where you want to deploy the outpost. There cannot be any other stations or outposts already in the system.

At the destination system, travel to the planet you wish your outpost to reside at and select the 'Launch for Corp' option. Note that the undock ramp of the station will point in a random direction.

Once in space you will need to anchor it before you can add the supplies. If you don't have sovereignty or if any of the other requirements are not met, you will be informed at this point. Once anchored, you can start loading in the required materials. These can be found by clicking “show info” on the construction platform and clicking the 'Material Requirements' tab. Loading in the materials can take time and requires around four trips with an average freighter.

Example of construction requirements.

Minmatar Service Outpost Platform

Construction Blocks155,649
Electronic Parts19,871
Hydrogen Batteries23,574
Mechanical Parts16,876
Miniature Electronics7,465
Silicate Glass8,846
Super Conductors897
Synthetic Oil17,874
Enriched Uranium3,511

Once you have gathered the materials, load them into the platform through the 'access resources' window, then click 'build'.

The construction outpost functions in much the same way a secure cargo container does. It is freely accessible by anyone by default and requires a password setting to restrict access. This is so that anyone you wish can help with the mammoth undertaking of creating an outpost. You can specify security settings such as passwords on the egg while it is in a station, but not in your hold.

The building process can take up to 24 hours; in all cases it won't be completed before the next downtime period is over. Once built, the outpost will appear globally within the system through a standard station icon in your overview and the right click menu.

Building an outpost is no easy task, but once completed, it can not be destroyed. Note that the outpost is still conquerable, so it can be taken by your opponents, as theirs can be conquered by you.

Upgrading an Outpost

Upgrading an outpost requires anchoring a Upgrade platform. Installing an upgrade is a two stage process. First the upgrade platform must be brought online, then the improvement platform. Both stages need a downtime to complete, so this is a minimum two day procedure.

Both the upgrade platform and the improvement platforms look and operate like the original outpost egg. Unlike outpost platforms which must be built from blueprints, these eggs can be bought directly from NPCs. Both eggs will need to be filled with a list of goods. Once filled, they come online after downtime.

There are three levels of Upgrade Platform; Foundation, Pedestal and Monument. Each Upgrade platform has prerequisites:

Foundation Upgrade Platform

Requires Sovereignty Level 2

Pedestal Upgrade Platform

Requires Sovereignty Level 3
Requires a Foundation Upgrade Platform to already be built.

Monument Upgrade Platform

Requires Sovereignty Level 4
Requires a Pedestal Upgrade platform to already be built.

On each level Upgrade Platform you can fit the following:

  • Foundation Upgrade: one Basic Outpost Upgrade
  • Pedestal Upgrade: an Intermediate Outpost Upgrade and a second Basic Outpost Upgrade
  • Monument Upgrade: an Advanced Outpost Upgrade, a second Intermediate Outpost Upgrade, and a third Basic Outpost Upgrade

That means an Outpost can have a maximum of 6 upgrades.

Each Outpost Upgrade consists of either an upgrade to refining, manufacturing, offices or Science & industry. These are split into the 4 different races.

Station Management

The Station Management button can be found in the bottom-right corner of the screen when docked in an outpost which is owned by a corp in which you are either CEO, director or have the Station Manager role. It is broken into several tabs.

Station Details

This lets you define basic settings, such as:

  • Name: This is the name of the station, which will be displayed in the station, in space and on the map
  • Description: This is a short piece of text which other players will see when they perform a Show Info on your station
  • Docking cost per volume: This is the base amount of ISK per cubic meter that will be charged to anyone docking at your station
  • Office Rental Cost: This is the monthly rental cost for an office in the station
  • Reprocessing Stations Take: For stations with a refinery, this sets the tax rate on reprocessing. This percentage of all refined minerals will be diverted to the specified hangar
  • Reprocessing Output: This specifies which of the owning Corporation's office hangars the tax minerals will be diverted to.
  • Reinforced Mode Exit Time: This option specified the desired reinforcement mode exit time for the station.

There is also a button at the bottom of this screen marked Transfer Ownership. This allows you to seamlessly transfer the station to another Corporation in your Alliance.

Service Access Control

This allows you to specify who can and can't use the various services. For each service there are five options.

  • Minimum Standing: this is the minimum derived standing required to use the service
  • Minimum Character Security: this is the minimum corp-to-character (from the corp owning the station) standing required to use it
  • Maximum Character Security: this is the maximum corp-to-character standing allowed to use it
  • Minimum Corporation Security: this is the minimum corp-to-corp standing required to use it
  • Maximum Corporation Security: this is the maximum corp-to-corp standing allowed to use it

To set a minimum threshold for access to a particular service, simply defining Min Standing at the threshold value is the easiest solution.

Cost Modifiers

This tab allows you to modify the costs of various services, including refining and docking, based on standings. Generally the standing used is corp-to-corp, but in the case of certain services such as refining, it's corp-to-character instead.

The owner of the outpost can tax things like refining yield. The owner can also give a discount to friendly corporations based on their corp to corp standing. Please note that the tax discount per standing point is calculated as a percentage of the base tax percentage, hence if the base tax is 25% then a 1.8% discount per point will reduce the tax for a corporation with a standing of 10 by 4.5%.

Clone Contracts

This tab lists all Corporations who have medical clones at the station. You can revoke all Clone Contracts belonging to members of that corp, or view all individuals who have a Clone Contract there and revoke them individually. This is standard practice when conquering a station. Note that it is not possible to remove jump clones installed at the station.


This tab lists all the office slots in your station, and for those being rented, the name of the renting corp, the rental period and amount they are being billed. Each slot has a Publically Available checkbox; when unticked, nobody can rent this slot. This allows you to reserve any number of slots you choose. If you untick a slot which is currently being rented, the renting corp will be ejected at the end of their billing cycle

Conquering Outposts

For information on how to capture outposts see Capturing Existing Structures

eve/sovereignty/outposts.1486868673.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/12 03:04 by conscript