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The Mackinaw is the Exhumer with the largest ore hold, though it lacks in tank when compared to the Skiff. The Mackinaw will be a target in every type of space in EVE, making the Skiff the recommended Exhumer to use to avoid being a target for ganks.
The exhumer is the second generation of mining vessels created by ORE. Exhumers, like their mining barge cousins, were each created to excel at a specific function, the Mackinaw's being storage. Although it only has space to fit two mining or ice harvesting modules, a fast loading system allows them to do the work of three modules.
Exhumers are equipped with electronic subsystems specifically designed to accommodate Strip Mining and Ice Harvesting modules.
Mining Barge Skill Bonuses (Per Skill Level):
5% bonus to ship ore hold capacity
2% reduction in Strip Miner and Ice Harvester duration
Exumers Skill Bonuses (Per Skill Level):
4% bonus to all shield resistances
2% reduction in Strip Miner and Ice Harvester duration
Role Bonus:
25% bonus to Strip Miner yield
20% reduction in Ice Harvester duration and activation cost
<EFT>[Mackinaw, Long Hull]
Ice Harvester Upgrade II Ice Harvester Upgrade II Co-Processor II
Pithi A-Type Small Shield Booster Kinetic Deflection Field II Thermic Dissipation Field II Cap Recharger II
Ice Harvester II Ice Harvester II
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Hammerhead II x5</EFT>
This fit is for mining ice in fountain and tanking Guristas. It only tanks ~200dps however with a full wing of medium drones and a stable cap it can kill most spawns and warp out if needed. Add the extra cargo hold and you can sit on the field longer without the need to dock up or jetcan blocks (inb4 afk lossmails). A quick switch to Mining Upgrades and Strip miners and you're able to pull in regular ore also however a skiff can do the same job with a 65k EHP tank.