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The worm is a strange cross between the Hawk and the Ishkur. It takes a similar slot layout to the hawk (3/4/3 with 2 launchers) along with the hawk's missile range bonus and combines it with the drone capabilities of the Ishkur, with 5 light drones and room in the bay for a second flight. In exchange the worm's 2 launchers receive no damage bonus, meaning they really are just 2 launchers. Finally, the worm receives a shield resist bonus putting it on par with most assault frigates in terms of tank.
The combined damage output of the worm's drones and missiles is fairly low for a faction frigate - the missiles contribute very little without a damage bonus. The flexibility of the drones however allows the worm to apply damage from whatever range it wishes, and this convenience is worth quite a lot.
In general, the worm should be an easier opponent than the Ishkur. The tank is comparable (although likely to be more buffer than active), but its damage output is considerably lower. Thanks to its resist bonus and the cheapness of shield resist rigs, choice of damage type isn't that important (thermal will probably be lowest after an em rig is added). If in doubt, killing the drones will remove 75% of the worm's damage output - assumig you can chew through two flights of drones before they chew through you of course!
Korako 'The Rabbit' Kosakami, Gurista leader, has a particular love for stealing the Caldari's ship designs, souping them up, and turning them on their creators. With the Worm, he has taken the Merlin design so familiar to Caldari pilots and turned it into a defensive powerhouse capable of firing its volleys at terrifying speeds.
Gallente Frigate Skill Bonuses (Per Skill Level):
10% bonus to kinetic and thermal missile damage
Caldari Frigate Skill Bonuses (Per Skill Level):
4% bonus to all shield resistances
Role Bonus:
300% bonus to Light Combat Drone damage and hitpoints